mars 700 hack


Well-Known Member
finally took apart my mars 700 today.

got a 8 foot 3 prong power cord
couple 12v fans
2 heatsinks, about 12"x5"
and (5) ~70w drivers

thinking about maybe using em to build some cheap supplemental red/blue/uv/ir
any ideas?

IMG_1615.JPG IMG_1616.JPG
hahah yeah well thats what happened to the board and the enclosure and the rest of it. these are just the little bits i salvaged.

of the 5 drivers, only 1 was bad.

the rest ran 70v vero29c at 55w. and two of the drivers have quick connects for the 12v fans.

thinking of putting 2-4 cobs on each heatsink, with 1 fan per heatsink.
the drivers aren't grounded so i guess i just run a ground wire from the power chord to the heatsinks and attach the drivers to the top of the heatsinks.

overall if i find a friend who wants to buy the chips i can make a 280w active cooled cob build with scraps i had in the closet.

also toyed around with the idea of putting some far red / ir / uv monos but that seems like a little bit more advanced and no one is commenting on my thread so.. case closed.

not bad tho for 3 year old closet scraps.
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