Marijuanna march in minneapolis


Well-Known Member
Today, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, at least 100 people gathered to exercise their rights of freedom, to gather peacefully and smoke weed in the park. They than proceeded, with signs and high voices, to walk from Washburn fair oaks to Loring park across the city.

There were joint passed in every direction and no cops bothered us. It was great until we got to Loring park and some guy who helped organize the march started ranting about politics.

but we met some cool people, got some free joints, and heard some good bands. durring the march, we got alot of support from people driving by, which felt good.

the whole march was about legalization. I'm all for it, but i don't want it legalized if the government is going to fuck with it like they did tobacco. I love seeing people gather and smoke and make peace, but honestly, its a plant... it should be nurtured like any other plant, and not sought out and oppressed. thats all i got on that matter.

Anyone else go to the march or hear about it or have stories about protests or marches? please do share!!!