Marijuana users in DANGER

What is YOUR view of the DRUG WAR to be listed on KRFP 92.5 FM

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Active Member
WARNING!! A NEW Ruling from HUD is about to cost thousands their homes in the States that allow for the Medical use of Marijuana.

All the info on this is on my Web site Plus a lot more, I am on the Medical use of Marijuana and my story is on my site as well with the Photo of fluid being blocked as well as a Statement that I used in Federal Court from my Doctor and the Final Ruling from the Ninth Circuit Court that say's the Feds can RIP us Medical Marijuana people off for whatever they want and ( GET THIS ) AS LONG AS NO CHARGES ARE FILED It has been ruled that a person can NOT fight for what has been taken.

We have crooks in Jail for just what the Government is doing to US. I thought Theft was not allowed in a FREE Country But it's only free if you know who to pay off at what level of Government.

To get all the facts please check out

And Remember I am on LIVE Radio every Wed. 2-4 PM and Sat. 5-7 PM PDT at KRFP, Radio Free Moscow

If you would like to speak on the show please call my home number and ask for Adam at 509-397-3252



Well-Known Member
legal or not legal medical or not medical people are going to use cannabis all over the world wether the goverment like it or not they are just wasting there time just my 2 pence :)