- Anyone Else Use Them?

Jimbob Hempplants

Active Member
Anybody regularly buy from They've got decent prices and freebies, but my germination rates have greatly declined since I started buying here. The seeds either germinate slow or not at all. At first, I thought it might be me, or I got a bad run on one particular strain, but I'm starting to suspect that it might be where I'm getting the seeds from that is the problem. Lately, I'm averaging about 40% germination per strain, and that sucks.

So far my Doctor seeds that I got elsewhere have germinated at 100%. I dropped one of those in dirt last week and forgot about it and had a seedling in three days, and I've held onto those seeds for a year.

I've used the paper towel method on the last three strains I bought from them with ph adjusted water under a humidity dome at 81-84 degrees when the light is on for 18 hours a day. The lowest the temp gets in there is 70 degrees.

I'm not ready to point any fingers or make any accusations yet. I'll be picking up a heat mat today and see if that increases my success, but I wanted to hear from more customers that use this vendor just the same. Trust but verify, as they say. The company always ships fast and I receive my orders quickly, and their stealth is good, but this germination problem is nagging at me. Whether it is me or them, I need to get it figured out.


Jimbob Hempplants

Active Member
:) Well, let's chalk this one up to me being impatient. After I posted this, went to work and then came home for lunch and checked them and they've all germinated. 5 for 5 that I put in the paper towel. That answers my question. My humidity dome temp probably needs to come up 10 degrees or so. To that end, I picked up a heat mat on my lunch break, but when I got home, 100% of the seeds had germinated.

I'm still plugging in the heat mat though and using it on seeds and seedlings for the first few days to get faster root growth and germination.