Marijuana derivative 'shatter' poses risks, policy challenges


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It's been called "marijuana on steroids."

And it comes with a THC concentration far beyond anything a run-of-the-mill joint would offer.

With that potency, along with the dangers from its production, shatter is offering police and policy makers a new set of challenges, perhaps particularly as the federal government moves toward legalizing marijuana.

"It's the highly variable [tetrahydrocannabinol] concentration that you see where a lot of people get into dangers," says Matthew Young, a senior research and policy analyst at the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse.

"They don't really know how much they're taking. Without knowing how much they're taking, they don't necessarily know the effects it's going to have on their mind and body."

Strong marijuana derivatives like shatter are nothing new. But shatter has been drawing more public and police attention in recent months because of the potential for explosion as it is made, using the volatile solvent butane to extract the THC from the marijuana "shake" or plant leftovers.

"The risks and the hazards related to the production of shatter are as high if not higher than a methamphetamine lab because of the amount of solvents that's being used," says Luc Chicoine, the RCMP's national drug program co-ordinator.

"Those solvents go in the air. Often it's being done in residences and in enclosed areas, and then you're increasing the risk for explosion."

Hard to get the numbers
Tracking shatter — which can have a consistency like hard caramel or peanut brittle — across Canada is not that easy. Police reports don't necessarily break out shatter separately from other forms of marijuana, although news releases sometimes mention its seizure.

"Typically shatter won't be found by itself," says Mike Serr, deputy chief constable of the Abbotsford Police Department and chair of the drug abuse committee for the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police.


Shatter is sometimes produced using the solvent butane to extract the THC from the 'shake' or leftovers of the marijuana plant. (CBC)

While shatter has been turning up in police reports across the country, it has emerged in particular in B.C.

Going back to 2013, police have come across seven marijuana oil extraction labs in the Lower Mainland. Six of those discoveries were the result of an explosion, says Serr, In most cases, there was at least one person injured. In one instance, it led to a death.

Serr sees several reasons for the increasing attention being paid to shatter.

"I think the culture around marijuana is changing. People are always looking for new products, derivatives, edibles and those kinds of things," he says, noting also a "change in the culture" because of all the talk about the possible medical uses of marijuana and legalization.

Vancouver marijuana activist Dana Larsen, on the other hand, sees a more repressive reason.

"Partly I think [it's] just because the police like to make a big deal out of cannabis products and scare people," he says, noting cannabis users have been making "very potent and pure" marijuana extracts for hundreds of years.

"I think it's just a new product that's becoming more popular, although it's been on the market for several years now. Even shatter itself isn't really that new, but the police and media are usually a few years behind where the cannabis culture is."

Rising popularity
Wherever that cannabis culture is, there are clearly those within it who are intrigued by the THC concentration of shatter, which some estimates put as high as 85 or 90 per cent.


Shatter contains a much higher THC level than regular marijuana. (RCMP)

"It's not like the marijuana that a lot of the older people remember, which was 10 or 12 per cent," says Serr.

"This is basically marijuana on steroids. It's 30 to 90 per cent highly concentrated. Some users have referred to it as smoking three joints at once. The people who are looking for the next level of high are seeking out these types of product."

These higher concentrations have raised concerns around the effects of shatter, particularly on young people.

"The first user or the second-time user that has used THC on the street, now they think that shatter is an easier way to carry it around.

"You need less so you don't need rolling paper. You don't need a big joint, you can just apply it to a regular cigarette or hot knife it or inhale the THC. But now you're looking at [something] three, four, five times more potent," says Chicoine.

"It's not a concern with lethal overdose, but we do know there can be an overdose on cannabis in so much as you can have a very different experience from what you're expecting that can be quite frightening and traumatic to the individual going through the experience," says Rebecca Jesseman, a senior policy adviser at the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse.

Not for the first-time user
If someone does consume a much greater quantity of THC than was expected, reactions could include anxiety and heart palpitations.

Larsen says that for a first-time user, "probably doing a big glob of shatter" isn't the best way to start.

"But if you're an experienced user and you need or prefer to have a stronger dose in a smaller amount as opposed to having to consume a lot of cannabis to get what you need, it can be quite effective."

He also argues that marijuana products such as shatter should be available under legalization.

"If they're not, people will continue to make them in their homes and we shouldn't be doing that," he says.

"They can be dangerous to make and should be done in a lab or in some kind of safe conditions and that I think is the role of the government … to regulate the producers of these kind of products."

Amendments this year to federal medical marijuana regulations mean derivatives can be made by someone who has a licence, says Serr. But "people could not use organic solvents such as butane" to make those derivatives.

"Even though edibles, cookies, brownies, some oils are legal, the process to make shatter is still illegal," he says. "It's a bit confusing right now with the multiple court cases and the multiple regulations we're under."

Confusion over regulations
Still, as the federal government moves toward legalization, dealing with the level of concentration within marijuana products will be one issue policy makers will most likely have to consider.

In doing so, they may look to other jurisdictions for their experiences.


Professional extractor Jeremy Johnson removes a sheet of THC concentrate known as shatter from the oven at Mahatma Concentrates in Denver on May 1, 2014. (Brennan Linsley/Associated Press)

The Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse issued a report a few weeks ago entitled "Cannabis Regulation: Lessons Learned from Colorado and Washington State."

"If we wanted to really take away the lessons we learned … in Colorado and Washington, it would be either prohibit or put very strict controls on these higher THC products and these different product formats until we have the research, until we know what the impacts are and really focusing on a public health approach," says Jesseman.

"It's really easier as we accumulate knowledge to relax restrictions as appropriate than it is to impose more severe restrictions."

Bullshit points have been bolded and italicized to make it easy to spot the reefer madness. I'm going to sit and think of some arguments and come back to this after my morning routine.
To the production of shatter being more dangerous than a meth lab argument: Really? YES making concentrates using solvents CAN be dangerous and a LOT of dumb people injure themselves. The same can be said for Meth Labs, VERBATIM. But the actual process used and materials used are VASTLY more volatile in a meth lab, PERIOD. Butane vapors vs Red Phosphorus, drain cleaners, etc. Both processes are dangerous, but the chemicals used are infinitely worse in meth production. Not to mention the difference in the end product and their effects on peoples lives.

To the Marijuana on steroids argument:
The same could be said for hard alcohol simply being "Beer on Steroids" So by that logic we should most certainly limit the strength of alcohol, for those who may not know better after all...............

First time users thinking shatter is a more portable Cannabis argument: BAHAHAHAHAHAH moving on. Really though, that's about as likely as someone thinking whiskey is just beer in a fancier bigger bottle. Fucken clowns. This is why we have childproof lids on prescription drugs, so assholes like this don't accidentally kill themselves due to the fact they can't tell the difference between an Oxy and an Aspirin. Hashes, oils, and resins have been around for thousands of years, this hasn't been a problem yet, so why now?

The CCSA wanting to set a hard line on THC% in concentrates argument: So the people who have been saying all these years that Cannabis is a drug and "addictive" are now going to chime in on banning or heavily restricting something they have no proof or data on AGAIN. Lessons learned from CO, and WA? Laughable, they are still in their infancy in the legal sense, no long term data can be pulled. Try after 10 years then we can talk. Also I can get beer from as low as below 5% and hard liquor all the way up to a staggering 94% at the SAQ in Quebec. So how does this logic make sense given the LD50 of Cannabis and Alcohol.

CBC pandering to the fear mongering crowd. Throw a word out there no one has heard of, make up some grandiose lies and inflate the dangers by comparing it to methamphetamine. Hmmmm this seems oddly familiar, almost kinda partially like how Cannabis became demonized and called Marijuana..............................
yet it's OK to sell over proof rum and 190 proof in the US. wouldn't that be "whiskey/vodka on steroids"?
what if you drank wine that is 19%..that's double the strength of "regular" wine.
isn't it ironic that these folks point out stronger "products" in MJ as BAD but there's never any mention about of the dangers of legal stuff
Well using their logic, there's no such thing as moderation according to potency when it comes to the difference between flower and concentrates. Using that logic why aren't people running around with alcohol poisoning due to the wide variance in percentage of alcohol depending on your alcohol of choice? I mean you don't drink the same volume of Whiskey as you do in beer or wine? Pfffft pussies......................
Well using their logic, there's no such thing as moderation according to potency when it comes to the difference between flower and concentrates. Using that logic why aren't people running around with alcohol poisoning due to the wide variance in percentage of alcohol depending on your alcohol of choice? I mean you don't drink the same volume of Whiskey as you do in beer or wine? Pfffft pussies......................
The problem arising is there is no logic.... Lol it is all fear mongering
People that dont know how to make shatter, bho, etc. Have no biz making it! In MI we have had people blow up their homes with children in them, You dont extract with butane in an unvented area, or an area that has any kind of things that can cause ingnition to the fumes, If I am forced to make it in my home, I do it when no one is home, I turn off all the power, I dont have any open pilot lights, and above all I do it alone!

Most of the time I extract in my camper, I disconnect the battery and shut off all propane lines and disconnect the power! I will do my extraction and than I will go into the house and get the hottest water from my sink,

I extract into a glass/pyrex baking pan, I put that glass pan into a larger one, when I am done extracting I go get my hot/warm water in a picture from my kitchen sink, I pour it into the larger bowl so that the liquid butane evapes off, even in winter it usualy only takes 3 times to get the liquid gone, I than take it into my man cave/grow room and scrape it into my fave milk glass jar (milk glass is white glass that is very heat friendly) I use a coffee cup/candle warmer to purge any butane that is left!

I only do small batches, I usualy can get 16-22 grams of oil from 2 cases of butane, I have a 1 oz extractor and a 2 oz one, I use 1 can of butane on the 1 oz and 2 cans on the 2 oz extractor's

I have never made it with just buddz, I use all sugar leaf and small buddz I dont want to take the time to trim lol!

I beleive if I used all buddz I would get more but the potency would be the same as my leaf and little buddz!

They have a little trouble controlling " The Peoples Plant " are they ?
Ya well fuck them and everybody that looks like them.
The establishment fascists are getting exactly what they deserve for what they've done to us. Anarchy.
They only like us now because of our money. What type of people is that?
People that dont know how to make shatter, bho, etc. Have no biz making it! In MI we have had people blow up their homes with children in them, You dont extract with butane in an unvented area, or an area that has any kind of things that can cause ingnition to the fumes, If I am forced to make it in my home, I do it when no one is home, I turn off all the power, I dont have any open pilot lights, and above all I do it alone!

Most of the time I extract in my camper, I disconnect the battery and shut off all propane lines and disconnect the power! I will do my extraction and than I will go into the house and get the hottest water from my sink,

I extract into a glass/pyrex baking pan, I put that glass pan into a larger one, when I am done extracting I go get my hot/warm water in a picture from my kitchen sink, I pour it into the larger bowl so that the liquid butane evapes off, even in winter it usualy only takes 3 times to get the liquid gone, I than take it into my man cave/grow room and scrape it into my fave milk glass jar (milk glass is white glass that is very heat friendly) I use a coffee cup/candle warmer to purge any butane that is left!

I only do small batches, I usualy can get 16-22 grams of oil from 2 cases of butane, I have a 1 oz extractor and a 2 oz one, I use 1 can of butane on the 1 oz and 2 cans on the 2 oz extractor's

I have never made it with just buddz, I use all sugar leaf and small buddz I dont want to take the time to trim lol!

I beleive if I used all buddz I would get more but the potency would be the same as my leaf and little buddz!

Only do it outside. Even a static spark from your clothing is enough to set it off.
Out side...huge fan blowing.
I would not do it inside even with the power off. Still NOT SAFE
i had a bad experience a bunch of years ago.
i thought i was being safe too. I would run the butane outside but come in with a burner on low and over boiling water with the overhead fan on to get rid of any fumes. what I didn't see was the short in the electrical in the overhead fan...blew up in my face. luckily the only thing damaged was my pride.
i now only do it outside and the only heat source if i use heat at all is from the pot of boiling water i bring outside. no electricity around me ever!
It almost reminds me of guns: on one hand people should have the right to do what they want on their property, but at the same time the general public doesn't want the safety risk of a potential ticking time bomb next door.

I don't want the government telling us who can and cannot concentrate herb, so for now I suppose they can offer reactionary policy regarding those involved in solvent explosions.

The best solution is for mass production to price it at a point small timers can't compete. That same barrier to entry is why I no longer mine BTC.
Not that I agree with the fear mongering but I had a customer blow up his whole house while using butane, He was in the hospital for months for skin graphs. The house was fucked and blew out all the windows.
"It's not a concern with lethal overdose, but we do know there can be an overdose on cannabis in so much as you can have a very different experience from what you're expecting that can be quite frightening and traumatic to the individual going through the experience," says Rebecca Jesseman, a senior policy adviser at the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse.

This part was good. The rest was rubbish.
Happy New Year odd... (:

Just about EVERYONE who ingests the first time.. :lol: takes to much ....

So they have some head spins...feel a little woozy.....

but do they stick their head in a toilet and barf their guts out until they wished they were dead????

NOPE not on your friggin life they dont... They want scary?...drink till you pass out and die from puking...

Scary my ass...Oh Oh OHH MY I OD'ed on POT? LMAOROTFFF

You got to high..period...FRIG....

Dummy up people... You all know nothing became of the over dose but rather she ate to much and was pissed the next day because she gained 5 pounds (:
after she realized that EATING TAKES YOUR FRIGGIN HIGH AWAY!!!!!

Every chronic knows tthis...and it should be on every REC WARNING LABEL :lol:
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Happy New Year odd... (:

Happy new year to you too friend :)

I get the head spins from Strawberry Diesel in any way, shape or form.
I've had them often enough to know that it's not pleasant.
Last time was when the compassion club gave me a gummy bear and 2 hours later my head was spinning so fast I had my head over the toilet puking. There's no hangover and there's no overdose, but I'd rather not ever experience that again.

That said, I can dab budder for hours without issues, so it's different for everyone.
I was referring to the fact that she made it clear that, as the Canadian Center on Substance Abuse, they don't believe you can overdose on marijuana.
Happy new year to you too friend :)

I get the head spins from Strawberry Diesel in any way, shape or form.
I've had them often enough to know that it's not pleasant.
Last time was when the compassion club gave me a gummy bear and 2 hours later my head was spinning so fast I had my head over the toilet puking. There's no hangover and there's no overdose, but I'd rather not ever experience that again.

That said, I can dab budder for hours without issues, so it's different for everyone.
I was referring to the fact that she made it clear that, as the Canadian Center on Substance Abuse, they don't believe you can overdose on marijuana.
I can do it all in huge amounts.