Marijuana Cures Cancer


Active Member
I always believed that Marijuana helped with the effects of illness, then I came across this website. and found out that it cures cancer.

They have the information on how to make the cure. It's worth checking it out. Might save a life


stays relevant.
This would be a wonderful thing to find out... Too many lives lost to cancer. The fact that THC has shown to decrease the size of tumors is enough to legalize it IMO.


stays relevant.
After reading... this cure appears to just be an instructional on making your own oil... I have never heard of oil curing cancer...

I call bullshit.


Active Member
I have never heard of it curing anything either, however how many times have you tried to cure cancer with it. Its not really marijuana exactly its the THC. I spoke with the guy rick simpson who re discovered this cure. He has a great story and there's a lot of research to support this. There have been in dept studies into the effectiveness of stopping and destroying cancer cells. Don't be so quick to shoot it down. It could save someones life if it's true and more research is done