marijuana and mental illnesses

do you think pot helps people with mental illness or makes it worse? i have a very hard time not having weed.. i must have a diesase or something., i can go from up in the clouds to low as dirt with in hours, my mood changes very quickly and i have no control over it, and when i get low i think of suicide (everyday) for NO REASON, it can happend when im in a great mood or ill feel im on cloud 9 when everythings falling apart., and has always been like this, i never remember it being different, with pot or not... since i was a kid

my friends always tell me that i fit every symptom of adolescent ADHD... i hate it when they say that. i dont know what to believe because of course i've never been to the docor about this. in the past i've had panic attacks also, but once i started smoking weed everyday again they stopped and never returned.

i just feel like weed is the only thing i can rely on, and when i dont have it, i feel like i MUST be on something else so sometimes ill turn to alcohol and opiates, but it just doesn't compare to weed, not at all.... because weed makes me feel like i dont have to worry about a thing and makes me think of things from a different prospective.. i know theres something not right in me, but i just cant find the courage to tell anyone about it and i dont want to have to take a pill everyday to feel like a zombie.

i cant wait til harvest season so i can have enough weed to not have to do other drugs. do you have any advice? is there anyone else that can share a similar story or anything is helpful.. thx thx:peace:


Well-Known Member
Damn dude........keep smoking.I don't have such a serious prob when I don't smoke I have annoying mood swings and have too much energy (anxiety) but never suicidal thoughts man and I've gone a while without smoking,the only thing was I was a pain to be around.Well good luck and good growing Peace
yeah the suicidal thoughts have been around for a while.. i remember as a kid i was over sensitive and when something hurt me i would feel like i wud want to cut myself and i was only a kid.. i only recently stopped all that and i promised i would never do it again, because at least going over board on drinking doesn't cause life long scars that people will always question...

i haven't had much weed since novemeber, turns out where i thought i would have a steady supply , i didnt...

last weekend i tripped out on LSA, morning glory seeds.. as i mentioned earlier im very over sentsitive and had mood swings, when i was trippin everything was great then my friends got mad, i got over senstiive, so i went for walk crying and thinkiing i wasn't on a drug and planning to drown myself.. its so fucked, but LSA is very nice in the rite TIME AND PLACE!!!!, not when all ur friends are pissed at you.