marijuana alternitives...


Well-Known Member
I was just on amazon looking at pipes and a listing for Damiana came up. Have never herd of it but sounds like there are also a few mixes out there mugwort, scull cap, mullien... Anybody ever smoke Damiana? :idea:


Well-Known Member
Only thing iv had that is a marijuana alt. is mad hatter

Sparky ,

Just click on new thread and go from the ,

Its on the top left above the sticky's


Well-Known Member
I don't want to smoke synthetic weed that just seems dumb, I would prefer the real thing but saw that and its all natural and cheap.


Active Member
Depends on what you mean by alternative?
Are you asking for an alternative producing the same effects as a marijuana high?
Or just an alternative substance altogether?

Spice is suppose to be a complete mimic of marijuana as far as high goes.
I myself have tried a few different spices, some worked, some didn't.
All depends on the brand.
I've actually found spices that are better then marijuana high somehow.
It's almost like getting high for the first time all over again (when using spice) & such.
Will even produce the munchies.

But that's not to say it's healthier, because it's not.

Brand that worked for me 100% of the time: MR. HAPPY.


Well-Known Member
Depends on what you mean by alternative?
Are you asking for an alternative producing the same effects as a marijuana high?
Or just an alternative substance altogether?

Spice is suppose to be a complete mimic of marijuana as far as high goes.
I myself have tried a few different spices, some worked, some didn't.
All depends on the brand.
I've actually found spices that are better then marijuana high somehow.
It's almost like getting high for the first time all over again (when using spice) & such.
Will even produce the munchies.

But that's not to say it's healthier, because it's not.

what spice did you smoke my man that got you high like that ,

Try some cat nip next lol , no dont


Active Member

what spice did you smoke my man that got you high like that ,

Try some cat nip next lol , no dont
My post says which spice it was, "Mr. Happy" & it sells over here in some cities of Cali. better then weed.
A lot of people think spice doesn't work because it's fake or legal.
Other just think it's "impossible" to mimic a marijuana high.
I too, was a skeptic.

But Hell, what can I say... it works.


goten! i cant find that shit all i have is one big question if any one here is a true ganja smoker then answer my question plz...
last night i was smoking all day joints and splifs. it was at 9pm the last splif i smoked. today i at 1pm i had a meeting with my P.O i refused to take the wizquiz (urine test) so i had to take the cotton swab drug test. i smoked 2 cigarets this morning and i use mouth wash... will i pass the test or fail...???


Well-Known Member
the damiana is also know as "spice" ir "incense." gave me a head che i didnt like, so i wont smoke it again. ALSO, interesting fact here, Damiana is also used for other things such as gaining muscle while working out and libido to name a few. :)