Man robs bank to get medical care


Well-Known Member

Some people who need medical care but can't afford it go to the emergency room. Others just hope they'll get better. James Richard Verone robbed a bank.
Earlier this month, Verone (pictured), a 59-year-old convenience store clerk, walked into a Gaston, N.C., bank and handed the cashier a note demanding $1 and medical attention. Then he waited calmly for police to show up.
He's now in jail and has an appointment with a doctor this week.
Verone's problems started when he lost the job he'd held for 17 years as a Coca Cola deliveryman, amid the economic downturn. He found new work driving a truck, but it didn't last. Eventually, he took a part-time position at the convenience store.
But Verone's body wasn't up to it. The bending and lifting made his back ache. He had problems with his left foot, making him limp. He also suffered from carpal tunnel syndrome and arthritis.
Then he noticed a protrusion on his chest. "The pain was beyond the tolerance that I could accept," Verone told the Gaston Gazette. "I kind of hit a brick wall with everything."
Verone knew he needed help--and he didn't want to be a burden on his sister and brothers. He applied for food stamps, but they weren't enough either.
So he hatched a plan. On June 9, he woke up, showered, ironed his shirt. He mailed a letter to the Gazette, listing the return address as the Gaston County Jail.
"When you receive this a bank robbery will have been committed by me," Verone wrote in the letter. "This robbery is being committed by me for one dollar. I am of sound mind but not so much sound body."
Then Verone hailed a cab to take him to the RBC Bank. Inside, he handed the teller his $1 robbery demand.
"I didn't have any fears," said Verone. "I told the teller that I would sit over here and wait for police."
The teller was so frightened that she had to be taken to the hospital to be checked out. Verone, meanwhile, was taken to jail, just as he'd planned it.
Because he only asked for $1, Verone was charged with larceny, not bank robbery. But he said that if his punishment isn't severe enough, he plans to tell the judge that he'll do it again. His $100,000 bond has been reduced to $2,000, but he says he doesn't plan to pay it.
In jail, Verone said he skips dinner to avoid too much contact with the other inmates. He's already seen some nurses and is scheduled to see a doctor on Friday. He said he's hoping to receive back and foot surgery, and get the protrusion on his chest treated. Then he plans to spend a few years in jail, before getting out in time to collect Social Security and move to the beach.
Verone also presented the view that if the United States had a health-care system which offered people more government support, he wouldn't have had to make the choice he did.
"If you don't have your health you don't have anything," Verone said.
The Affordable Care Act, President Obama's health-care overhaul passed by Congress last year, was designed to make it easier for Americans in situations like Verone's to get health insurance. But most of its provisions don't go into effect until 2014.
As it is, Verone said he thinks he chose the best of a bunch of bad options. "I picked jail."


Well-Known Member
um, no one else sees the wrong in this? the man stole a dollar, and what does he get REWARDED with? A place to stay, with three meals a day, medical treatment, all paid for by tax payers, and then he gets to leave jail after his nice stay and goes and gets social security and a nice retirement. He is abusing the system. I dont care if jail is a unsavory place, he got what he wanted. You know he was problably sturggling with affording food and shelter, and then he does this and all his worries go away. this is bullshit. man up you old ass pussy


Well-Known Member
um, no one else sees the wrong in this? the man stole a dollar, and what does he get REWARDED with? A place to stay, with three meals a day, medical treatment, all paid for by tax payers, and then he gets to leave jail after his nice stay and goes and gets social security and a nice retirement. He is abusing the system. I dont care if jail is a unsavory place, he got what he wanted. You know he was problably sturggling with affording food and shelter, and then he does this and all his worries go away. this is bullshit. man up you old ass pussy
wow , let me guess , you live with your mom and dad ?
good luck out there


Well-Known Member
wow , let me guess , you live with your mom and dad ?
good luck out there
i do live my mom and stepdad, it just pisses me off soooo bad, because my real dad has tons and tons of financial/medical problems, lost his house, job, has to take tons of pills, about to lose unemployment, was 400k in debt to to medical and had to get a bankruptcy, but you dont see him stealing and abusing the system. my dad lost everything, and still takes care of everyone, even though his health is fucked up. you think i would have sympathy for a man who didnt go through as much as my dad did and gets rewarded??? That guy was able to get some kind of job... my dad cant even get a job because of his health... my twin brother has to work two jobs... so fuck off


Well-Known Member
because a) my dad doesnt believe in stealing b) he actually wants to be a part of our lives, and he cant if he is in jail, and c) wants to take care of his family, d) my dad believes is a republican... he hates the fact he has to get public assistance, and would hate abusing the system like that even more


Well-Known Member
abusing the system? we've been abused by the system from before there was a system, so what if the man had to pull a crazy ass stunt to survive, at least he's surviving. if there was a better 'system' in place maybe he wouldn't have had to do what what he did in the 1st place.


Well-Known Member
why should our government take care of us? i support universal health care, but all that other crap?? i'd rather have govt protection against large corporations and protect our environment than support every person with a sob story. We should take care of those who absolutely need it, not those who abuse the system. I will give you one thing... we should have given this guy good medical care. But everything else? Idk about all that. i think that up to a certain extent people should accept their responsibility as people, but when worse comes to worse, the govt should throw you a life raft. not saying that a person should be taken care of completely.


Well-Known Member
i don't think that is abusing the system. he needs medical care. the system is abusing us by treating us like we live in a third world country when we live in one of the richest nations in the world. we pay loads of taxes, we should have healthcare. i don't think he has done anything wrong. i think his point needs to be made. i would do the same if i were in his shoes and i hope more people step up and force the government provide them the healthcare they are entitled to. We pay too much tax to not have healthcare. the insurance companies and the government are so tied together that it makes it impossible for invididuals to get decent healthcare without being part of a group. the majority of this country is unde-rinsured and one accident away from being in debt for the rest of their lives. you have never been part of the rat-race, you've never been ill and uninsured. you can't speak like an authority.

people pop out 8 kids to evade taxes and increase their welfare and no one says shit about it but one guy wants some medical help and he's a freaking problem. that's what's wrong with this country.


Well-Known Member
hey i believe he should have gotten healthcare for free, but every other living expense?? well, sorry, but he had a job. which is more than most people have. healthcare is a human right, but expecting the govt to pay for someone and all their kids cause they want welfare is bs. Which is why I am a moderate. Cant wait for next year's election!!! I actually get to vote this time. And my dad didnt have insurance, which is how he got so deep into this hole. It hurts to see my dad suffering because people dont want to approve healthcare, and it hurts to hear him cry to me that he isnt a real father because he cant afford nice stuff for us, because he cant take care of us


Well-Known Member
i agree with you to some extent but they can spend trillions on 'national security' but not on people suffering. after they buy all those guns and everyone gets sick and dies, who are they gonna 'protect'?


Well-Known Member
i know right that is bullshit... fighting a war in another country isnt "national security" its protecting our borders, and our interests