man, my parents bum me out


Well-Known Member
I just wanted to vent here a little bit. So next semester I'm studying abroad in Italy with my serious girlfriend. And our plan is to study and then stay a few weeks (2-4) extra in summer and backpack/travel around to some specific places in Europe (and most definitely Amsterdamn :joint:). But my parents are really discouraging it because they don't want me to waste all my money in Europe. I know I'm going to be spending a lot, but I also feel that this is my one chance to really be "free" in Europe without the consequences of life (i.e. work, school, children). That being said, I don't see what's wrong with going a little out of budget.

I don't see whats wrong with getting a $2,000 loan (no interest until I graduate in 2 years) and using it for my trip?

So I talked to my mom tonight and told her that I'm going to be staying no matter what. And she basically threatened to stop paying for some of my stuff. And I asked her like what?

I pay my own rent, my own gas and car insurance. The only thing they pay for is school (which I have a scholarship that covers 85-90% of it) and my meal plan. I don't have a serious job right now and I know I could land one quick when I came back from Europe.

So it sounds like just empty threats. But I have a savings account they are saving for me as a present when I graduate and I know that when push comes to shove, they will hold that over my head.

Is that fair for parents to do? I think I have a fair plan for my trip to Europe. I just don't know why they have to be all negative about it.

Negative peope make me negative and I've always disapproved of that in my parents.


Well-Known Member
That's a pretty controlling and unthoughtful way for them to go about things I think. I could see them strongly discouraging it, but they shouldn't punish you for doing something you want to do on your own and experiencing life.


Well-Known Member
Do what you want. $2000 might sound like a lot, but in the long run it's pocket change. Sure it would be nice to not have to spend that, but when are you ever again going to have an opportunity like that?

Do it while your young and free of the responsibilities that you listed. After you graduate you will be a full on adult, not a college student, not a child, but a MAN. And men have things that they need to take care of and people they are responsible to.

All in all, DO IT. You only live once.


Well-Known Member
life is a adventure, going to europe and with a itallian chick nonetheless!? good thing she isnt french ;)

so my advise is ignore there threats, there empty.


Well-Known Member
Live your life man. Speaking from experience...the longer you allow them to dictate the pace of your life the harder it's going to be for you to break the hold in the long run.
Make yourself happy. You only live once, so soak up as much as you can.


Well-Known Member
with 2000 dollars you'r not gona get through a semester i can see why they dont want you to go... you obv. dont have any money !

:( sorry...... but sometimes u gota have Pockets and not allway's rely on your parents to pay stuff :)

........ Hope all goes good man !


Well-Known Member
do it. europe is a great place and u will find no where else like amsterdam. ive been twice and it is truely an eye opener.

as for the cash, 2000 dollars is about 4000 pounds(GBP) and it isnt that bad, i got one for 11k when i was 17/18.

i just got a mortgage and another loan for 8k.

i got a son on the way and me an my serious gf are moving into our house today.

im only 21. so believe me, take ur trip around europe, have fun, study abit, live it up. i never got the chance to do it and probably wont have a chance ever again.

whilst ur young and u havnt got ur gf pregnant and dont have to buy a house then i say go for it m8.

just a tip though, watch out for those hostels... they will take u to Slovakia and sell u to rich ppl to tourcher u. they will get 25000 for an american...

dont have a smoke and watch Hostel!


Well-Known Member
do it. europe is a great place and u will find no where else like amsterdam. ive been twice and it is truely an eye opener.

as for the cash, 2000 dollars is about 4000 pounds(GBP) and it isnt that bad, i got one for 11k when i was 17/18.

i just got a mortgage and another loan for 8k.

i got a son on the way and me an my serious gf are moving into our house today.

im only 21. so believe me, take ur trip around europe, have fun, study abit, live it up. i never got the chance to do it and probably wont have a chance ever again.

whilst ur young and u havnt got ur gf pregnant and dont have to buy a house then i say go for it m8.

just a tip though, watch out for those hostels... they will take u to Slovakia and sell u to rich ppl to tourcher u. they will get 25000 for an american...

dont have a smoke and watch Hostel!
ROFL !!! 4000 pounds are you stupid ? 4000 pounds =

2,000.00 USD


1,274.99 EUR

4,000.00 GBP


7,912.16 USD


Well-Known Member
yeah right a mortage for 11k at 17/18 ! YEAH RIGHT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U cant even drink alcohol over there at 21... u think they'll trust ya with that amount of money :)


Well-Known Member
yeah right a mortage for 11k at 17/18 ! YEAH RIGHT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U cant even drink alcohol over there at 21... u think they'll trust ya with that amount of money :)

i had 2 loans, my mortgage is for 130k

and yes, its only 18 to drink in europe. i should know. ive been


Well-Known Member
smokeh why are u telling so many lies ? u took out a loan with 17/18 and that was 11k..

hello ??????? U prob. didnt even have a wage over 2 grand ! So why the fuck would they give that to ya.. i know i work'd in a bank once... and we dont give out credit to ppl that are young, nor have a decent job to pay us back !

so pls... :)


Well-Known Member
smokeh why are u telling so many lies ? u took out a loan with 17/18 and that was 11k..

hello ??????? U prob. didnt even have a wage over 2 grand ! So why the fuck would they give that to ya.. i know i work'd in a bank once... and we dont give out credit to ppl that are young, nor have a decent job to pay us back !

so pls... :)
with 17/18?

i meant i was 17 or 18 eyars old, cant remember, and yes i couold pay it back at the time, i was on £350 a week which is over a grand a month.

EDIT: the loan was for 8k. PPP an interest pushed it to 11k.


Well-Known Member
with 17/18?

i meant i was 17 or 18 eyars old, cant remember, and yes i couold pay it back at the time, i was on £350 a week which is over a grand a month.

EDIT: the loan was for 8k. PPP an interest pushed it to 11k.
:mrgreen: lol....... never met a 18 year old that had to lend 11k ..... can i ask for what ?


Well-Known Member
:mrgreen: lol....... never met a 18 year old that had to lend 11k ..... can i ask for what ?

8k was intended for a decent car for myself. the car i bought / still have is a 2002 model so its still quite nice and i love it.

the car only cost 5k and i just spent the 3k on crap basicly. trip to the dam, pimped up my pc, bough new stereo etc and before i knew it, it all went and end up paying an extra 3k back.

i had to have PPP becoz i was contracting and if i lost my job i wouldnt of been able to make the repayments, so i took that out to be safe.

and now i have another loan for 8k without ppp for the 5% deposit on my new house which im moving into today (just waiting for a phone call about the keys) and also a 125k mortgage.

its a hard life but got responsibility's, its my job to earn a living an provide for the missus and my son when he pops out :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
no its 16 in europe noob....
gotta help out here...

its 16 for beer and wine.

but 18 for harder stuff like whisky or wodka...

at least thats what its like in the swiss... but you wont have a problem drinking since 1 easily looks 16/18 :mrgreen: