(Man I Wish I Had A Catchy Title) MI outdoor grow (pics)


Active Member
hello all.... i kinda started this whole thing in the grow log section, but this seems like the place for me to be....

so i started this years attempt a couple months ago in a cabinet set up before moving them into my greenhouse and from there outdoors....

at the moment all together i have 1 PPP that has been flowering for around 3 weeks, 3 LSD (barneys farm), one of which i started flowering a little over a week ago, 2 kandy kush (reserva privada), and 1 skunk #1. i grew out 3 very select bagseeds, 2 were males, and im not sure about the last one yet...
however, my plan is to take clones towards the end of may and grow out another half dozen or so small plants of each strain....

im using a 50/50 compost, potting soil mix with all but 1 lsd and my skunk 1 which i only used compost. just to see if theres any differenece... im using Fox Farm nutes (big grow, big bloom, tiger bloom) and Humbolts Own purple maxx snow storm during flowering....

okay, now for a few pictures....

ill start with a few pics from the grow cab...

the eldest lsd at around 3 weeks from seed..

lsd's in back. kandy kush in front...

my PPP at 34 days (lst'd)

from here it doesnt look like i took any pics for a couple weeks... im almost positive i took pics in the green house, but it doesnt look like it......

however i took a few pics of some of them a couple days ago so it looks like there is going to be a little jump in time....

ill start with a side shot i took. the closer one is my eldest lsd (lst'd) and the PPP is farther back....

the next 1 is of that same lsd (54 days)

my skunk 1 (around 3ft)

and finally, here is a few of my PPP flowering for about 3 weeks..

well..... i guess thats how its going to start... hope i can make you all here proud.


Active Member
ive been debating about that..... this is my first time messing with feminized seeds (lsd and kandy kush) and i am more concerned with stressing them hermie. but i think im just thinking about it too much..... i lst'd my early plants and one of my kandy kush plants. thats worked better than expected so i think im going to do that with all of the ones i have now and super crop in a couple weeks.....thanks man.


Well-Known Member
Hey man, looking great!

A word of caution about purple maxx; I tried it last year, also bought Gravity but didn't use it. I tried the purple maxx on three plants. Half strength from recommended. It damn near killed one of my plants, I believe it was Barney Farm's Sweet Tooth come to think about it, and she was a heavy feeder. Turned almost all the leaves yellow and the bottom third died out. On another (Durban Poison) there was no change in color, and on the third (Morning Glory) it put some very unnatural looking purple streaks in the leaves. Like paintbrush strokes of light, but very pronounced purple. I did see an increase in resin almost overnight however, so the product may have some merits but I sure as shit am not going to use it or any other Emerald Triangle products again.


Active Member
hey man....... thanx for the word of caution....
this is my first time using it, and i got it just to see if there really was any difference in crystal production. not so much for the color....
ive only got the one plant flowering at the moment and i have used it with my fox farm nutes and have yet to have any problems like you have mentioned. though the crystals have been packing on more than i would expect since i have started using it...... but im also new to PPP so it could just be the strain...


Active Member
fingerling, nice grow. i'm in mi too and have 20 1' tall bushes that i'm gonna put outside. you have some plants that are flowering. did you just flip to 12/12 for 2 weeks indoors? i was thinking about doing this, but figure when i put them out and the daylight is longer than 12 hours, it will cause them to reverse back to veg. what do you think?


Active Member
hey man. thanks.... its good to see another MI grower....
what strains have you got going out? (if you dont mind me asking)

to be honest i had no intentions on flowering any plants early...
i put a couple of plants in my green house a few weeks ago and used a heater for that week or so of terrible weather we had (and at nights), and even though i had a light on at night, my PPP started to flower on her own due to the light cycle. so rather than have her revert back to veg i decided to continue to flower her, i also started flowering one of my LSD's since i have to do the working involved anyway.... but yeah, they will revert back during may and june if you were to flower them now, put them outside and leave them be... i have a small dark room/shed that i put them in around 9pm and take out 930am to continue to 12/12 cycle.... kinda a pain in the ass for outdoor plants..... but i cant complain when early outdoor kind is the reward.


Active Member
i greatly appreciate that.... im just always open to the possibility of some thing terrible happening....
one of our geese literally fell/rolled on top of and demolished my oldest kandy kush two or so weeks back so im hoping thats all for this years mishaps.


Active Member
im growing clones of bubble gum, legends ultimate indica, and mango., and some clones of plants that were accidentally pollinated last summer. i'm hoping that i'm not making the wrong choice by moving them from my dwc to 5 gallon pro mix and continuing the veg outdoors. i'm hoping that an early start means monster plants. i'll post pics when I get them outside.


Active Member
yeah, the plants i have growing now i started quite early with every intent on growing trees. i am however more concerned with quality, but like i said i want to take clones in a few weeks to cover the whole quantity issue....

but no dude..... you should be cool..... my biggest suggestion is to watch them the first couple days you harden them off. my friends plants last year turned yellow and died within a week last year when he started hardening his off.... but im just warning you because of him. ive never had a problem like that. to be honest, most of the time ill leave one plant of each strain out in a semi shaded spot for the day (i bring them in at night) and see how they react. then if all goes well i add the others a couple days later..... but thats just me....

good luck though man.... im predicting it to still be warm out in through october so just make sure they stayed watered through the summer and they should be beautiful... i cant wait to see how they look.... awsome strains by the way.... i hope someone i know ends up knowing some one you know in a few months. lol...


Active Member
hello again to all at riu. im on the computer again and its been about a week so i figure its time for an update.....

i managed to get a decent picture of most of my plants.... i didnt take any of one of my lsd's, but i just cropped it at the 6th inter node to turn it into a bush in the next few months.... suffice it to say, it looks like half a plant....

were finally starting to get some decent weather which should really come in handy for the last few weeks of flowering for my PPP... ill start the pics here....

in the past week my largest LSD has turned into quite a bush in the making...

the smaller LSD

my lst'd kandy kush...

last is my skunk plant which yesterday i super cropped the main stalk and most of the lower branches. it seems to be handleing it pretty well...

really though i guess there isnt much to say. everything is going according to plan. the smaller lsd and kandy kush are in 3 gallon pots and i will be giving them their final home in a day or two, but other than that......

my first plant of the year in about a month..... so far so good.


Well-Known Member
yeah, the plants i have growing now i started quite early with every intent on growing trees. i am however more concerned with quality, but like i said i want to take clones in a few weeks to cover the whole quantity issue....

but no dude..... you should be cool..... my biggest suggestion is to watch them the first couple days you harden them off. my friends plants last year turned yellow and died within a week last year when he started hardening his off.... but im just warning you because of him. ive never had a problem like that. to be honest, most of the time ill leave one plant of each strain out in a semi shaded spot for the day (i bring them in at night) and see how they react. then if all goes well i add the others a couple days later..... but thats just me....

good luck though man.... im predicting it to still be warm out in through october so just make sure they stayed watered through the summer and they should be beautiful... i cant wait to see how they look.... awsome strains by the way.... i hope someone i know ends up knowing some one you know in a few months. lol...
I filter the sunlight when I'm hardening my clones with this tinted piece of glass that's got a nice not too dark brown tint and my girls love it! it provides the perfect intensity of light for early clones


Well-Known Member
your grow looks great so far. too bad those couple are flowering a little early but like you said, nice to have something of your own to smoke on a little earlier :bigjoint:

scribed fingerling :eyesmoke: check out my outdoor grow when you can


Active Member
thanx Tahoe.... yeah, weve had a few nights with frost but i cant imagine getting snow again. (knock on wood... its totally possible here)

and hello notoriousb, im gonna check yur grow out in a sec.... but ill say now, i wish i could have to conditions like Cali does to grow....
yeah, i should have waited to put them in the green house but really, our weathers been all messed up (in compairison to previous years) so im really not surprised that the older plants thought it was fall.... at least ill still have the quality, just not the yield i was planning on. for those two plants at least.


Well-Known Member
Still looking lovely!

I need to get some out wicked early next year and enjoy this double harvest so many seem to be (accidentally) having.

Tahoe...you're not the same tahoe from shroomery...are you?