Man am I stumped :-/


Well-Known Member
So im fed up with the weed around in my area. Im not going to pay 500 for an ounce when i know I can grow over a QP for alot lot less every few months.

So im set on growing it now and not later once i live in my own house by myself. prob is I dont know where to grow it! I have many many options.

here are the areas I have:

1) I live in the basement. I have a closet that we dont use anymore. The front is 3 1/2 foot wide by 4 foot deep by 5+ high (cieling in closet is slanted becuase of stairs above.) There is 2 craw spaces 1 behind and 1 to the side of this area in the closet. The one to the back is around 5 foot wide by 3 foot deep by 3 1/2 foot high. the other space is small due to the stairs.

2) I have two bedrooms that have stuff in them that we use for storage. One could have enough room for say a 4X4X8 tent or w.e .... the other i could fit something bigger but i use it as a closet for all my clothes, so i need to conserve room.

I was thinking about Maybe vegging in the Closet in my basment and Flowering in a 4X4 tent or something up in one of the rooms. Problem is i dont know if I could use a 600 watt hps running off of one Dual outlet with the fans and such also running off it. Should I just go with a 400 watt? i want to produce a nice sized yield and I know the more light the more Budd. Would a 600 work?

My other option is to run a small grow in the closet in the basment. I would veg in the 3x5x3 room and flower in a 3X3x5 tent in the main area. thing is I know im not going to yeild that much in a 3x3 room. maybe what 4 ounces if im lucky?

So what would yall do in my situation?


Elite Rolling Society
I grow in a small closet and get a year's personal supply from one grow. I used to just use one small end of the clsoet but now I got two tanks and use both ends.
