Male wont shed his pollen

Hello great community✌
I have a problem with this wonderfull male, it whas the first to show his gender it has alot of sacks but for some strange reason he does not want to shed his pollen, is there anything that can cause this or anything to be done to help this process ‍♂️
Hope to hear from you
Greetings and regards20220501_134035.jpg
So it looks like you isolated the plant into another room away from the females.

It looks like it might be close to dropping pollen. You should angle it over some kind of tray. You still want to keep giving it light and you can let it stay on the dryer side and not water it as often as normal. You don't want it bone dry but you can keep it dryer than normal.

Just give it some more time and you'll most likely end up with all the pollen you need.

Good luck.
Thank you for your response
This is not his locaties, i put it there for a better picture.
Thank you for your tips i wil use them, and hope he will shed soon before the ladies are to far done.
Greetings and regards