Male selection/Slow flowering males


Well-Known Member
Hi guys I'm interested to know what males you selected for breeding...

fast males vs slow males...slow males that take forever to open there pollen sacs

Males with trichomes vs males with no trichomes... Did the males with trichomes give you better results???

I'm making seeds at the moment and had what I thought was a good male he was vigorous, stinky stem rub, hollow stem, good structure, dropped copious amounts of pollen I had ripped all the males that flowered early except 1 that just was taking forever to grow so I left him just to see what would happen, didn't think much of him to be honest. Well I've pollinated all the females there all nearly finished with mature seeds in the next week or 2 and this other male has started to produce thick layers of trichomes on the clusters and leaves and it smells amazing as good if not better then the females. Pollen sacs are still opening up but there taking forever...

My question is have you used a very slow flowering male and how were your results? I will be collecting the pollen from him to test in the next round to see the results for myself, just wanting to know your results if you've all ready experimented with similar slow males...
I usually prefer the faster flowering males because one of the goals of mine is a plant that finishes where I'm located if grown outdoors.
Certainly not an expert on breeding but from what I’ve read the stinkier the better when it comes to selecting males. Plant structure is definitely another trait to consider. From my exp typically the mothers pass on their flavor/smell profile while the males seem to have more sway over plant/bud structure and flowering time.