male plant


hey all i was just wondering, all of my babies turned out to be hims, i ripped all up except one that i was just to proud of, will i get any usable bud out of a male? i mean this fucker is 13ft tall and about 5 foot wide. anything at all i know it wont be the greatest but id hate to think that i did this for nothing, well i did get a lot of experience, and like i said it is massive, theyt all grew very healthy and big but they just turned out to be a bunch of dicks, this year i am going to just order some seeds online so i know i will get some ladies ? thanks for reading

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Im going to be ordering seeds too, not messing around with males or females. Got some males this year too, had to rip em up, I did get one female though. You could just let her go, and maybe chop her down and make hash? I dunno if you can get anything to smoke out of a male, unless you like smokin plant material.


destroy it or you will have pollen everywhere you only want the bitches lol
alibongo do single seeds they also have credit crunch seeds ..


Well-Known Member
Males do not create bud,but you can turn them into cannabutter or hash, but dont expect too much from it, the levels are much lower in males than they are on female flowers. Might as well do it, lol, better than nothing.


Active Member
Id just let her grow, since you dont have any females, make it into hash.
so how do you make hash out of the male plants? I assume you can use the clippings from harvesting the girls as well? yeh? if someone could link me to a thread on making hash, I would appreciate it!