male plant


Active Member
i got a male plant its my first grow and i just don't have the heart to trow it out.

i know you can smoke it and its harsh and crappy, but what i don't know is can i dry it and smoke it when its still in vegetation or do i have to let it flower.

i also read about the brownies and the green dragon.... same question can i make these with a plant thats still in vegetation or do i have to let it flower.

if i do let it flower will it be a little more potent ?

and i came up with an idea to just close of the mail in a clear bag and leave it with the women .... do you think the pollen would manage to get out of the bag ... i read somewhere that its just falls downwards..

one last question heard that smoking the male pollen is a decent high, is there any truth to that?

thanks everybody for being so helpful i know i ask a lot of question.


Well-Known Member
Hey man, I saw this got a lot of looks and no answers. Unfortunately I haven't heard anything about smoking male plants. I just thought i'd through the idea out there of saving the male pollen sacks incase you wanted to make seeds for yourself in the future or if you even wanted to try your hand at breeding. That's just my opinion though, hopefully someone who has experience with smoking males will be able to answer your question.


Active Member
My experience is you're left with nothing more than a headache.

Marijuana gardens for most people are strict matriarchies :)


Well-Known Member
You cant smoke males. Think of it like this. You smoke bud. Females are the only ones the produce bud. All you could do with a male is make hash and will be pretty shit hash and yes you will have to flower it for the full time. Come on dude. Unless you want to collect the pollen chuck it. You wont get any smoke or anything off of it really. It won't be potent. It won't be anything. Trust me on this one. Anyone else agree?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it's a complete waste of time to raise a male to get any high at all off of it. It's going to take up space and attention away from your females. I know it's hard to kill a plant that you started but now is the best time to get used to being god over your plants. Maybe try breeding after you get a few grows under your belt but if you're a noob don't make it more complicated than it is. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
well if you are in a herb friendly spot and it doesnt have to be hidden. put that bad boy in the living room right where the lucky bamboo use to be, nothing prettier than mj plant. except a female mj plant. peace


Well-Known Member
Just to backup what others have already said, I recently tried to make butter with a male plant I chopped last week as soon as it showed sex under a flowering light schedule... no buzz, no high. Smoking it did nothing for me either.

I've heard some strains produce potent males - but haven't experienced that personally (unfortunately).

Only thing I can think to do with a male is to pick out the nicest set of fan leaves and press them in a book for the memories. =P


Active Member
Thanks everybody... i'm just going to kill it and take SableZen keep some nice leaves for memory sake