male plant characteristics


Active Member
ive heard that male plants develop bumps along the main stem below the first branches. these bumps arent flowers or pods, they are just little bumps, making the stem feel rough, kinda like brail

is this true for male plants?


actually, if you repot or just add more soil up close to the lowest level of leaves, some roots will pop up outa those lil bumps... atleast, thats what i've found within the past two weeks (i just had an inkling and it turned out right, i hope i'm not just imagining these findings, haha)


Active Member
thanks that helps a lot

i figured it was female because they have been on 12/12 for 3 days now and a lot of white hairs are coming out of the top nodes

just wanted to make sure it wasnt a hermie


Well-Known Member
keep an eye on it, she could still be hermie and it would suck to not catch it and have your crop ruined.