Male or female?

Hey guys im a first time grower i put my plant into 12/12 4 days ago and cant figure out if its a male or female ive read so much on how to tell i just cant lol please help
Im tryin to upload pics but im foin this from my iphone and dnt no how i created an album but it doesnt let me upload pics
But it has stuff between the branchs i dnt no if there "balls" or maybe the first sighn of pistills lol i can send any1 an email of what it looks lik im sry i just ordered seeds and just dnt want to waste time on a male when i got fem seeds waiting thank u btw
Lol ur callin me a cop lmao dude im a moron that doesnt no how to upload pics if i did i would just put them up on here im just lookin for help


Well-Known Member
Lol ur callin me a cop lmao dude im a moron that doesnt no how to upload pics if i did i would just put them up on here im just lookin for help
haha.. I need tips with pics as well.. go down to manage attachments and upload from there :leaf: thats as far as I get then it gets far to confusing :lol:

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
dude, nobody needs your email, just email the damn photos to yourself and upload them to your computer, or better yet, just upload the email photos to the site. we dont need personal information flying around this site.

step 1 connect phone to computer if you have cord, or not, email photographs to your own emails adress
step 2 take photos you have recieved, and then upload them

if you are not smart enough to do this, maybe you shouldn't be growing pot.

Maine Buds

Well-Known Member
When it ask where you would like to upload from it would be you computer even though it's on your phone. If you still ca figure it out then set up an account on photo bucket upload on to that site then when rollitup asks for a URL put in the URL to that specific photo. Or u can use the bb code under the share photo and copy and paste it to this site and it will be displayed.


Well-Known Member
OK, first off let's catch a breath here
you got plenty of examples here for your research so you can relax about posting pics. If a protrusion apears at the base of a branch does it look like a Ball?
if your not sure then it probably isn't at least not for sure. If it has two hairs coming out it is deff a female. congratulations

In the interum, go to the search bar and start typing keywords like "balls" or "sexing" you will be directed to posts where this discusion is being visited by every other newbe on the planet. Educate yourself before youstart asking for drivers lic. (I know you didn;t but I;m makin a point here) and people won't think you're part of a sting.
The request you were making was just plain outa line. I;m sure it wasn't on purpose but very not cool.
Thanks alot guys it really helps im sorry if i sounded out of line i didnt mean to be im sure ur first time u got alil crazy wit all the details to i do think its a male cuz theres no hairs coming out and its been there for atleast a week no worries tho i got fem seeds lol just to make sure ill let it go another couple days and ima do the photobucket thing thanks