male or female


Active Member
yo cant tell the whether this is male or female it is a clone of a female, its been growin outdoors the whole time its about 3mths old now so hopefully someone will know cheers



Well-Known Member
Like sweet tooth said, if the clone was taken from a female, then it will be a female, less hermination has occured. Ur lookin for white hairs at the nodes, this means its a girl.


Active Member
ok guys i really am a newbie and have literally no idea so when yu ask how long has it been in flowerin i dont even know how to tell what stage the pant is in, and when yu ask for closer pics of the nodes is that the bits up the main stem where new branches stem from, the camera i have is pretty shitty therefore i cant really get a good pic but havin a good look at it, it appears there is a fair few little white hairs around the plant is this a good sign? and a few brown hairs too once i know where ive gotta get a betta pic of ill post it up thanks for all the help sweet well heres a pic of what i think is the nodes its about best i can get but there appears to be white hairs all around the plant the more i look along most of the stems and at the tips so yer



Well-Known Member
Hard to tell from that pic, but looks like a male. U got the right idea about where the nodes are. From ur description, it sounds like the plant may have went hermi on ya. U said it had a few white hairs, but i don't see any in the pic.