Male or Female


Active Member
I know all the basics of determining whether or not a plant is male or female, but this plant has me puzzled...

I have 2 plants one of which I am certain is a female, but my most promising looking one has me worried.. It's top and top nodes have some white hairs but not as many as the other im growing. It's shoots have a few balls/ pods but im not sure whether I should be expecting more white hairs to burst out or just chop it down.. I have an excellent camera but it's somewhat difficult to get close in on the balls... so look closely..



Well-Known Member
Too early for me to tell, I'm sure some pros on here will answer your question. It does look to me like a possible female though.


Well-Known Member
can't tell from those pictures. check your camera manual to see if you have a macro setting on it, don't panic and kill it just to play it safe. Males usually show up a couple of weeks before females, if that's any assurance.


Active Member
Yeah I've read males usualy pre-flower before females if they're grown in the same time frame.. but it's actually been slow to sprouting hairs compared to the other, I just hope I don't havea hermie on my hands... im going to check the camera for a micro-setting...

Much appreciation for the help


Well-Known Member
I think I see balls on that 5th pic, below the hairs, when magnified.
If in doubt, maybe give it a few more days. Males usually come fast, but the pollen won't be mature for even longer, giving you time to wait and be certain.
I'm not sure those are actual pistils, either? Many male flowers grow hair-like masses on top, I think?