male or female?


Active Member
is there any difference between how long a seed takes to grow to know if it is a male or female? if a seed takes a long time to grow it said to be a male..and the exact opposite for a feminized yall agree


Well-Known Member
No, I'd say that they grow at the same rate, but males seem to have more space between the nodes when growing. So I guess males could seem taller just because they stretch... but no. They grow at the same rate.


Well-Known Member
I tend to label any super fast growing seedlings (that leave the others behind) as probable males, in known strains.


Active Member
the seeds that i started growing were just some ramdom seeds dont if there male or female..i just was wondering if there was a way to tell its sex by knowing how long it would take to grow..

Twisted Nibbz

Well-Known Member
Nah man... not really like these guys have said, the only way really to be sure is too wait and either clone it and force the clone into flower or get it under a microscope when it starts to show preflowers or of course just wait untill its ready put it in 12/12 and cross every part of you you have lol