Male or Female?! Helllllllp


Active Member
Looks male, sorry buddy I know how you must feel. I had to kill 2 of my plants 2day b/c they were males, and looks like I might have a third. That leaves me with 1 female out of 4, unless she turns out male to. Which better not happen.


New Member
Dude, Im sorry for your luck, I got 3 males out of 5 plants, I sympathize.

Go find and read a thread called the banana method, it might help you get more girls next time, couldn't hurt you know?


Junior Creatologist
same here man, my favorite plant outta my 1st batch of three turned male. Fuckin banzai i was stoked as fuck. Turned male n i almost cried while i was killin it. Kinda like you would see if someone had to kill a loved one out of mercy or some shit like that.... i was cuttin it, but at the same time i was goin "shhhhhh....shhhhhhh.... its okay, itll allllllll be over soon....shhhhhh......follow the light......." lol, was a sad sad day for K1.