Making soil for containers


This thread is to talk about making container soil. This is what I have done in my 4x4 tent. I'd like to hear your insights on methods I use. What do you do.
We will start with the base: I currently use promix BX but will try hp next time. I've used Premier sphagnum peat very effectively as well.
My last mix was one of necessity. Use what you got. Out of perlite. The promix has a lot in it fortunately. I had rice hulls so added a bunch.View attachment 5421480
( I am going to break these posts up so stoned monkey doesn't erase everything)...
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To this base I add a little homemade compost. Not very salt to mash potatoes. And mushroom compost.I like Espoma. Hate mucky other stuff.( If I had coir and perlite I would use it.) This gives you some "living" to your soil which also will be stimulated with Neptune's harvest 2-3-1 fish and kelp diluted,etc. I amend with biochar, alfalfa meal, rock phosphate, fishbone meal, langbienite, azomite, castings not much in the mix itself,kelp meal, volcanic tuft silica...that is all I can think of at the moment. Oyster shell flour!! I use r/o water so calcium is a concern. I also use gypsum for calcium and sulfer.
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I try not to overdo the amendments and leave room for bloom stuff later and the fish and kelp to feed the soil. I use dynomyco. I don't complicate an indoor container grow with teas. I do use maxicrop 0-0-1 kelp as a foliar on young vegetative plants and cuttings.


For early bloom I use top dressed fishbone meal or a mix of fishbone and castings with a small amount of lang,kelp meal,rock phosphate mixed in. Later I use Gaia green bloom. I think I could get excellent results using just 2-3-1 Neptune's harvest and Gaia green bloom. Flowering clones.


If I were in an ideal situation I would compost old soil and reuse it that way. I like to start with a fresh base. When money is tight I use sphagnum peat instead of promix.