Well-Known Member
So I am playing with cooking with my bho that comes out dark and is hard to sell for dabs. I've always thought marijuana goes much better in savory dishes, and I recently tried some roasted ganja nuts that were soooo good but the serving size was like literally 4 or 5 nuts. I have heard from lots of people that this is often a complaint of ganja food. This first batch I did a blend of almonds, cashews and sunflower seeds. I melted 1/2 stick of butter, added 1.6 grams of my darker oil and let that combine. I sliced a bunch garlic and added that to the butter mixture. Also some fresh rosemary. I let that saute for about 5 to 7 minutes, then added some tamari and then dumped in my nut mixture. Baked at 350 for 25 - 27 minutes. Let dry on rack overnight. Then I measured out the nuts into 1oz serving bags, which makes them about 75mg of thc per serving. This personally is a great dose for me. I can eat this during the day or at my normal job and be the perfect amount stoned. For sensitive people I can say eat 1/4 to a 1/3 of the 1oz but wanted to ask you guys what you thought
If these do well and people want a stronger dose I can make a 5x batch so the serving size is less but I really like how the serving size is a great little snack too.
Would love any input!!

Would love any input!!