making money


New Member
I've been dealing og kush for about 4 months. i flip 1g and make 10$. i am making about 250-350$ a week. I was wondering is this was a decent amount of money being made a week.


Active Member
Every one else on here is too much of a pussy so I guess I will give the honest opinion. First of all, good for you for knowing your rights and knowing that cops can't arrest any one for typing on a forum unless you provide some kind of info that it's YOU. How the hell can a cop use this as evidence if there is no fucking way to prove YOU wrote it.

Any way, you are doing fine. For a starting out guy $10 a gram is great. Really it's what ever you feel comfortable selling it for. We all know it didn't cost that much to grow right? LOL. Sometime being loose with your price is a good thing because people come back and that's repeat business. If things are going smooth for you just keep the money flowing in.

Think of Walmart. Low prices = business. It's about money not so much the respect of the highest doller for your bud.

What you should do though as you meet more people is try to start selling in bulk. Deal with as FEW people as you can. Find some high rollers that can buy it all from you for a set price, even if that set price is cheaper then if you dimed it out.

I will say that these guys are right that you are taking too much of a risk by diminig it out. Try to sell bulk and let the other guys fall.

Know what I mean?


Active Member
Every one else on here is too much of a pussy so I guess I will give the honest opinion. First of all, good for you for knowing your rights and knowing that cops can't arrest any one for typing on a forum unless you provide some kind of info that it's YOU. How the hell can a cop use this as evidence if there is no fucking way to prove YOU wrote it.

Any way, you are doing fine. For a starting out guy $10 a gram is great. Really it's what ever you feel comfortable selling it for. We all know it didn't cost that much to grow right? LOL. Sometime being loose with your price is a good thing because people come back and that's repeat business. If things are going smooth for you just keep the money flowing in.

Think of Walmart. Low prices = business. It's about money not so much the respect of the highest doller for your bud.

What you should do though as you meet more people is try to start selling in bulk. Deal with as FEW people as you can. Find some high rollers that can buy it all from you for a set price, even if that set price is cheaper then if you dimed it out.

I will say that these guys are right that you are taking too much of a risk by diminig it out. Try to sell bulk and let the other guys fall.

Know what I mean?
wtf is this?!?!?! dealing 101?

if this is... than yeah thats an ok flip... you should grow your own and get a couple grand instead....


Well-Known Member
Hey not everybody on here in a 215 patient so growing for those without one is against the law same with selling marijuana so stop giving this guy shit for trying to make a buck! if it wasnt for dealers not nearly as many people would be able to enjoy this wonderfull plants that we all know of. not only that but without dealers and people growing illegally we will never be able to even get close to legalization so everybody quit your whinning take advantage of this illegal market while there still is one we all know this green rush wont last forever!
To his credit, he didn't speak like a piece of white wanting to be black trash that one would expect from a low-level dealer in the wrong forum.


Well-Known Member
"By clicking the Agree button, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws. It is strictly prohibitted to post any message related to drug-exchange, trafficing or drug-dealing. The owners of have the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason." By clicking the Agree button, you confirm that you are over the age of 18."


Well-Known Member
For what it's worth, it took me a good amount of time intentionally looking for this rule to find any reference to it. I couldn't find it in the FAQ. Maybe you only see it when you 1st register? If so, that would be dumb way of going about it.


Well-Known Member
Dont think they care much about people breaking laws...
LOL, I know right. I love how people try to make it sound like growing illegally is OK but selling it isn't.

Anyway dude, don't run the streets with 1/8ths in your pocket unless your just interested on what the inside of a cell looks like. Pretty boring in there from my experience. Grow your own stuff and sell it wholesale to the guy your getting your stuff from now. I can only assume he buys in bulk to distribute to people like you who do the leg work. Do this and you're making your way to the higher end of the food chain =)



Well-Known Member
LOL, I know right. I love how people try to make it sound like growing illegally is OK but selling it isn't.
That would make sense if this was a government-run web site. But, it's a private site, and the owners of the site get to set the rules. They're not trying to make a statement about the legality of growing or dealing. They simply choose to have a rule against discussing drug dealing on their site. That's their option. Has nothing to do with whether growing is illegal or not. Frankly, it makes sense, since this site is devoted to individuals growing pot, rather than dealing pot.

I haven't checked, but maybe there are some sites where people can discuss the finer points of slingin' weed. This isn't that site. That's all I'm trying to say.