Making hash?


Well, one of my recent grows has gone down the drain; the plant died. I'm going to try to make some hash out of it. Im wondering if 70 percent isopropyl alcohol would be good enough, or do I really need to get 99 percent? Thx.


Well-Known Member
Ive never used anything less than 99, because I want the best quality I could get. What you put into it, you will get out of it.


Well-Known Member
Did my last batch using the old blender ice water coffee filter deal. Dont have much to compare it with but it came out in a small green ball. Takes that stuff longer to settle out the trichomes than the directions on most of the blender hash recipes seems like. You know how much it would cost to buy enough 190 proof Everclear to do the job? Me neither but it would be pricey. Be cheaper just to buy the hash off some dopehead most likely.