Making "Gumby" Hash


Well-Known Member
Hey there guys,

Well I'm gonna try make some "Gumby" Hash found in this youtube video -

YouTube - "Gumby"Bubble Hash Method. Hashish. Marijuana. Weed. Pot.

I got a couple of questions.

Can I use bud that has signs of budrot to make hash?

Read somewhere that the temperature of the water + ice causes the mold to become harmless and allows it to separate from the Trichomes/Bud. Any truth to this?

Gonna try it anyways. Got a few oz with small signs of budrot that I don't want to smoke, since I got good bud for that.

Should I chop up? Grind Up? (Coffee Grinder) the bud before the hash making to allow for more surface area during the agitation with the beater?

Any help would be great.

Anyone else try this way before? Gonna do it since I don't have the money for bubbles bags but got all the supplies for this :)


Well-Known Member
surface area won't matter because the glands are on the surface of the plants. imagine it as a chocolate cover peanut... if you wanted to get the chocolate off you wouldn't have to grind it up.. :) good luck and let us know how it works for you. I feel like everything i see on youtube is way harder than it really looks.


Well-Known Member
Its going well.

My supply list -

2 5-gal buckets.
7 ft of old hose.
1 hand mixer :)
1 back scratcher
Lots of Ice

Put water from the hose and ice that I made in the fridge over the course of a week into a bucket. let it sit for a few minutes. Then I added my bud and trim to the bucket.

Added a but more ice and began to mix with the hand mixer I got and the back scratcher to lift the bud off the bottom to the top since the mixer head was only about 2.5 inches.

Did that for about a good half hour. Then got the bud out with a strainer (takes a while) and then poured into my "gumby" bucket.

Its been sitting for about 4 hrs. Gonna give it a bit longer then siphon the water and put it in the jar.

Got a pic that Ill post in a bit. can't find my usb cord.