Making Clones straight into DWC set up . Tricky ??? Tips ???


Active Member
Hi Team , I have hit and miss success with cloning , have had a look at spray cloning units , but would really like to know if you can clone straight into your dwc set ups , what medium is best , water temp & air temp , covered by a dome or clear wrap etc , for humidity . Would really appreciate any advice , cheers
I'll say no. DWC puts air in water, but if the water doesn't contact the roots, the plants die. This is why people developed the aerocloner or spray cloner. The hard part is you don't want to have to attempt switching next pots, so a smart thing to do is put clones in net pots that are larger, like the 6 inch nets. Fill that with pebbles. Then you don't have to worry, just transplant straight across to a DWC bucket. Unfortunately, this mean having to use a large container for your cloner with more plumbing, but this will only cost you a little more time and money, and will be worth it in the end. I'd make this cloner, but use large net pots. Then when ready, just pull the net pot out and put it in DWC lid. Simple.
Clone king on Amazon for like $70. In my opinion, it's not worth making your own unless you are so poor you are selling your sperm. Whatever you do, keep a few mothers and keep on playing with all sorts of cloning. I like aero-cloners into dwc myself, but I clone in whatever medium I have around. I got friends who are always more than happy to take all the extra I make.
$1000 is nothing in life. Certainly not compared to children running around who are going to seek you out one day.
I’ve been having good luck with just putting them in a cup of water. I bought a aero garden last year and it has plugs that are taller which lets you get more nodes in the plug.
I made my own 24 site aerocloner for about $40 years ago.. I don't use it anymore but when I was doing flood and drain with hydroton I'd clone and when there were roots they went straight into hydroton. It worked great. But now that I don't run multiple tables, when I clone I just do it in small pots of coco. I don't clone that often and the hassle of an aerocloner is not worth it.

i've had great success cloning with a cloning gel and rapid rooters plugs. 2 weeks in a tray with dome, roots will appear, then into dwc. Room temp/humidity hasn't seem to affect me, room temp spring, summer, or fall. I am a noob at this, but it's worked for me.
I've always used a simple DWC style cloner with 100% success rate. A pinch of bloom nutes (maybe 50ppm) and a a few drops of chlorine in a gallon container.
No dome, no misting, nothing. I put the clones in and forget about them. 10-14 days they all have roots like this:

Clones are submerged in water. Just like your mom used to do when taking cuttings in a glass of water, this is just more refined but still same principle.
Clones are submerged in water. Just like your mom used to do when taking cuttings in a glass of water, this is just more refined but still same principle.
How deep are they in the water?
I mean, is it just the tip and does the stem get wet by the splashing?
Or are they in the water for an inch or so?
How deep are they in the water?
I mean, is it just the tip and does the stem get wet by the splashing?
Or are they in the water for an inch or so?

Like an inch maybe. Water need to be able to evaporate/being used without them drying out and dying. This is like "set and forget it", you're not supposed to do any inputs other than take cuttings and put them in the cloner.
Like an inch maybe. Water need to be able to evaporate/being used without them drying out and dying. This is like "set and forget it", you're not supposed to do any inputs other than take cuttings and put them in the cloner.
I guess you use an air pump. You think it would also work with a waterfall?
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ive got to say i like the root riot cubes for rooting in this year, i used to use aerated water which works well too
I know that once plants have roots in hydro, it doesn't matter if you achieve maximum DO by bubbles, flooming, waterfall, etc.
But I was curious if it would be the same with just stems.
Is maximum DO in the water sufficient?
Or does the moist layer of air that hangs above the water surface also contribute?
This layer is created, for example, when bubbles burst on the surface.
I've always used a simple DWC style cloner with 100% success rate. A pinch of bloom nutes (maybe 50ppm) and a a few drops of chlorine in a gallon container.
No dome, no misting, nothing. I put the clones in and forget about them. 10-14 days they all have roots like this:

Clones are submerged in water. Just like your mom used to do when taking cuttings in a glass of water, this is just more refined but still same principle.
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Sweet , thanks dude , this seems pretty much what im shooting for . Does clone size make much difference do you think and do you scrape a little bark of the clone stem tips before dipping in hormone etc . Cheers

@Tasman69 Doesn't really matter. No hormones, just small amount of bloom nutes and a few drops of chlorine (bleach). They don't wilt like other methods. Best of luck! Cheers!