Making and cleaning RSO.


New Member
Howdy, I live in Australia where its near impossible to find high proof alcohol. I'm looking to make some RSO or another similar extract. Where can I buy high proof alcohol in Australia? I've also heard conflicting answers regarding the use of IPA. Is it safe to use? If not why not?

Are there any other extracts that I can make that use readily available ingredients? I'd ideally like to avoid rosin as it seems too wasteful. If I do have to make rosin, what's the ideal method and can I post process the pressed bud to make other extracts?

Howdy, I live in Australia where its near impossible to find high proof alcohol. I'm looking to make some RSO or another similar extract. Where can I buy high proof alcohol in Australia? I've also heard conflicting answers regarding the use of IPA. Is it safe to use? If not why not?

Are there any other extracts that I can make that use readily available ingredients? I'd ideally like to avoid rosin as it seems too wasteful. If I do have to make rosin, what's the ideal method and can I post process the pressed bud to make other extracts?


google “Harris Organic Wines”, they’re in Australia and they sell undenatured 190 proof alcohol for making “herbal tinctures”, largest quantity is 200 ml, no idea on price.
If you really want to make RSO you could get a counter-top still with a temp control and distill vodka a couple times and have strong enough alcohol for the extraction part. 3 runs should get you pretty close to 190 proof. I have one one of those and use it for reclaiming my ISO. I also have a 12L SS still and all the glassware and stuff to run a 2L boiling ball as a pot still or fractional still with or without vacuum. I'll be using the fractional column to purify the ISO after reclaiming it so keytones don't build up and possibly cause an explosion. That's why most peeps just evap it off.

It all cost a bit of coin tho but if you plan to do it regularly then cost per unit goes way down.

Check out Cannabis Home Sciences on Iso:

Cannabis Home Sciences - RxCE Home Page

That's a good link and already bookmarked. Dewatering used ISO with salt and distilling with salt present are things for me to try out once I get set up for processing all the backlog of bud. I also scored a garbage bag full of hemp flower from a field just a few miles away with permission of the owners who are only harvesting for the fibre. Should be at least 6% CBD and they never sprayed the plants with anything.

I just went outside to check on my bags of hemp and caught our resident squirrel helping himself to some. Looks like he's been at it for a bit with one bag looking a little depleted. I'm picking up a 12 gauge tomorrow in the city so he better watch his sorry ass! :)

My cat eats my cannabis seedlings, and the squirrels steal my green tomatoes. I had to cage my seedlings and I trapped and relocated five of the squirrels, but more keep coming, so it is a lost cause.

I see squirrel jambalaya on the menu next year..................................