Major plant emergency

Im trying out growin sum bubbleponics and my fuckin stem isnt strong enuff to hold the plant up..

My plant is Roughly 6 inches tall color and everything is rele good..
No problems there.

but my stem is a lil pussy or something.. Cant hold up its own weight.. any solutions?

right now i got it growin like a tomato plant with sum string n a stick so it doesnt fall over.
I'd say that's good for now...but we need to know the net cup size, medium well was it rooted? is it secured well in it's medium...??? a picture would really help...but I'm guessing it wasn't really planted right (not tryin to be a dick) unless it was at some point holding itself up before???

If anything, make sure you have a fan for circulation and it always helps stem strength even if it's not pointed right at it...
its in a small cup for now and its planted in pete moss and has rocks ontop of the moss holding it in.. its prolly planted 2 1/2-3inches deep. it was standing up on its own until the plant got to be about 4inches tall then it jsut fell over.

the stem isnt bent or damage or anything its just rele thin and I got rele big leaves lol

but imma go turn the fan on it right now...

if the plant isnt warm enuff could that b part of the problem?
how much light are you giving it? was it a well rooted clone? was it just a clipping? or did you plant a seed and start it in that moss???....heat could be a problem...I would keep it at least 75 and while it's that small I like to keep the humidity around 60% or a little more...just spray the walls of your cab with water a few times a day...


New Member
Sounds like it stretched. Get much more light on it. When you repott, bury the stem up just short of the baby leaves.


Active Member
you can also give the stem a little love squeeze to break down a bit of the outer tissue, so like a muscle it will repair itself and grow back stronger... just a tip i read somewhere

-- our fine four fendered friend


Well-Known Member
I would be careful about the stem-squeezing method, it is pretty easy to really hurt your little seedling if you don't know what you're doing.

It sounds to me like your lights are not close enough.

What kind of lights are you using, and how close to the plant are you putting them? If you are using fluorescent lights, you have to get them really close to the plant because they don't penetrate very far. They can even be as close as 1-2 inches away. If you are using different lights that are hotter though don't put them that close.

A good test is to hold your hand at the same distance away that the plant will be for 1 minute, and if it does not feel hot after that then it is OK to put your plant that close.