Major bud development problems


I’ve got a room with a channel down the middle the left channel is thrip free and thriving never seen a scrog so healthy.

but the other side is burnt and yellow apart from one plant which just seems to be immune to thrips which is weird because it’s in the middle. The one next to it is basically dead since I defolated started pk feed and thrip damage combined murdered it. My fault. Won’t happen again. But
The buds on this side don’t seem to be anywhere like the infested side and they don’t seem to be going anywhere. Can thrips cause this? Do they stunt bud growth? And also they seem to be producing more leaves like they’ve already been through the bushing up phase and also they have no way near as much thc as the other side.
But as I said the plant that’s thriving looks like it’s been taken from the other side. It’s full of thc and massive dense buds. But it’s in the middle.
I haven’t noticed any actual thrips on any of the plants but one but can see the horrid thrip trail and the little cuts and holes they leave on others on the same side. Even on the thriving one. But no bugs. I think I’ve caught it early because there so hard to find even when that’s all I’m looking for.
But could this be why the buds don’t seem to be densing up and producing thc??

thanks again guys
Great help