Mail Ganj


Active Member
i know this doesn't have to do with growing....but i have had my friend in phx mail some to me...about 5/8ths of an o. i am looking for methods of shippin 4 oz without being busted...

p.s. i know all the risks involved in don't waste your time if your going to give me shit about mailing.

i was thinking wrapping it all with surran wrap then triple bagging...after that buying a stuffed animal and taking the stuffing out and throwing it in there...along with some pepper and coffee grinds and sewing it back up.

comments or suggestions appreciated


Active Member
i wouldnt try it, but if u do make sure you wrap it a bunch of times, then put it in a bag. And it also might be a good idea to put some activated carbon in there to get rid of smell (just put it in a stocking). Then put it in a stuffed animal. good luck


Well-Known Member
Id send it in less that 27 grams at a time do it in like 5 packages maybe idk.Also maybe if u hide it in some kinda food and a drug dog sniffs that shit out and they open the package theyll be like oh shit its some blah blah(food) the dog wanted to eat.But really the weed could be in the food lol. ahahaha I wouldnt try it Lol but really if it was packaged with like dog treats and a drug sniffing dog detected it they might think he was after the treats and not bother to ramsack the package and never find the weed ?


Well-Known Member
Id send it in less that 27 grams at a time do it in like 5 packages maybe idk.Also maybe if u hide it in some kinda food and a drug dog sniffs that shit out and they open the package theyll be like oh shit its some blah blah(food) the dog wanted to eat.But really the weed could be in the food lol. ahahaha I wouldnt try it Lol but really if it was packaged with like dog treats and a drug sniffing dog detected it they might think he was after the treats and not bother to ramsack the package and never find the weed ?
im not trying to be a prick but drug dogs are trained specifically to not do the same thing when they smell food they smell for strictly drugs.
however there are certain things dogs can't really smell through and you could look that up on the internet and figure something out.
personally i wouldn't do it. too risky for my taste


Active Member
Make cookies or brownies with it and ship it.. I know cant smoke it, but pretty safe
Love, Grandma


Well-Known Member
I would say bust it up into a bunch of shipments. You can mail them all the same day, or withing a couple of days of each other, I just wouldn't put it all in one package.

There are not drug dogs at every post office, all the time. As long as your package doesn't look suspicious, you shouldn't have a problem. I have mailed oz's many times, with no problems.

Make sure you package it so the people can't smell it. That is how you will get busted. Wrap it a bunch of times in suran wrap, then in baggies, maybe some more suran wrap, add some carbon in their, some more baggies, etc.

Dogs are not trained to act different for food than they do when they find drugs. The dog is not trained to find drugs at all. The dog thinks his toy is where the drugs are. The way they train the dogs is scent their toy with the drugs. THen when the dog finds drugs, it thinks it has found its toy and wants to play. It was mentioned by Barry Cooper that hiding small amounts of drugs in RAW meat is a great way to conceal it because the officer assumes it is the meat. But this will not work if you are shipping it. Unless you try and ship it all in an ice chest with dry ice and a bunch of raw ground beef.

Just remember to make your package look as normal as possible. Put a fake ebay auction number on the packages. They get so many freaking packages from ebay its ridiculous. I know a few people that work for the post office, and they hate ebay because of how many packages people get. Put an ebay auction number on there and they wont even look twice at the package.