Magic: The Gathering


Active Member
Any other stoner's enjoy this game? I've been playing for a long time and usually run into small groups of smokers from time to time. I was thinking there may be some on here :D


Well-Known Member
1993 phantom monster, flavor text:
" 'While, like a ghastly rapid river, Through the pale door,
A hideous throng rush out forever, And laugh - but smile no more.'
- Edgar Allen Poe,
'The Haunted Palace'"

Elegant, powerful, classy...
Classical quotes and the floating third person"detached historian" point of view are the way to go most of the time, like in Alpha, Antiquities, Legends, and The Dark. enter the comedy stylings of the clown rosewater
2001 Fear, flavor text:
"Booga booga booga!"

nuff said neyh?

probably onwards to the drudge skeleton card
"Bones scattered around us joined to form misshapen bodies, We struck at them repeatedly - they fell, but soon formed again, with the same mocking look on their faceless skulls."

the 'humorous' new butchery:
"'The dead make good soldiers. They can't disobey orders, they never surrender, and they don't stop fighting when a random body part falls off.' - Nevinyrral, Necromancer's Handbook"

rosewater was quoted as saying, "This flavor text reflects my belief that the undead have great comedy potential."
the man sickens me....truely a pox on all mankind

every storyline since mirage/visions is a thatched cesspit. I'd sooner have Jar Jar Binks in Magic then some shoddy wanker named, Chainer, Gerrard or Kamahl!
Magic used to be about putting yourself in the game - our imaginations, not some two bit hack that wrote a couple of episodes of 'Rosanne' for heaven's sake.
It used to be about the dueling mages. Us!
Now it's about flavor texts like those poor Dwarven Berserkers have to shoulder?
I am unamused.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
My favorite deck was a black and green deck i had with a bunch of vampires and kavu titans. i had a spiritmonger and a lhurgoyf. good ol days. like 4 years ago i stopped playing.