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Luxx 645w LED Pro 120-277v
DescriptionLUXX 645 LED PRO Like all of our lights, the new LED was built on the principle of design, test & repeat. The LUXX 645 LED PRO has been developed by assessing SMD (Surface Mount Device) chips and drivers from leading manufacturers in controlled test applications and cultivation...
Specs and Par chart:
Keep in mind that these guys didnt measure their ppfd chart with reflective walls for some reason.... thats why the edges are so low.
Info I could gather:
Claims Osram and Samsung Diodes.
1800umol light output.
3800K Kelvin Rating
What do ya'll think? Good light for $1050? Dunno where the driver is though. Is it competitive with the Chilled's and Gavitas of the world or an overpriced piece of garbage?
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