Lucky Guy

Here I was about to buy myself a new HPS lamp, already picturing the Mrs incessant whining about "why do you need more lights?"

Anyway, long story short, I happened to walk out onto the shopfloor today and they are replacing all the sodium lighting in the factory for LED........which means there are literally dozens and dozens of HPS fixtures they are throwing away, they range from 70W right up to the I got myself a couple, a 150W IP65 flood, and a 400W indoor unit.along with about a dozen spare bulbs for each............not sure how good the bulbs are but they are Osram vialox Nav-t(Son-T).......If Id have know earlier I could have set up a small business !

Its criminal what some companies thow away. but hey oh, one mans junk as they say.



Active Member
nice one mate one of my friends is a electrician and he just got a 1000w hps he replaced on a job not that he grows or even knows that i do ;-) lol but he thought he'd keep hold of it as there worth a bit