
Trying my hand at the Lst grow and I must say Im very impressed!! It's very easy to do and from what I can tell so far it will be very beneficial in the end. I had this plant with my other one and it was looking pretty shabby so I figured I would see what would happen and man its taking off great.I have 1 26 watt cfl on it right now...just to see what happened,,,now i must add more lights. Running 12/12 on the light and I also am trying the Organic Miracle Gro potting mix in this one.Let me know what ya think.



I like how you added support at the base first. Nice thick and "loose" twine to allow the base to expand without much constriction, while still keeping the plant properly rooted.

I noticed in pic 1 and 5 the stubs of branches broken off near the base. Just curious if they were removed to make the LST easier or if there was other issues?

It looks good to me! But then my first babies are only 6 days out from gemination ;)


Well-Known Member
Looks pretty good, I'm going to be giving this a try soon along with topping. I'm interested to see how they turn out.