LST question


Active Member
Hello all,

So I use a combination of topping and LST to keep my plants short.
The only thing Im unclear on is what to do with the tip of the branch Ive just laid down.

To explain: In training a plant its understood that limbs need to be held down horizontally. So what I do is let the plant grow normally and after 6-7 nodes I top the plant. Once the plant has bounced back I tie the limbs (however many... 4, 6, 8) down horizontally. So all branching on those limbs will point up, including the very tip of those limbs. What does one do with those tips? Top those also?

I have noticed that the intermediary branching doesnt really take off growing until its branch top has been trimmed, right? So lay the limbs down after topping each branch?

I hope this makes sense...