LST noob question


So after looking at a handful of LST threads I understand what this process is doing and when to do it. The only thing I cannot seem to figure out is what branches you actually tie down. Is it just branches that grow off the main branch? Please help, I am getting frustrated lol.



Well-Known Member
i'm just doing my 1st lst - it's the main stem that you tie down
instead of the stem growing straight up, you repoint it to the side
but you can also lst the branches too, i haven't made it to that part yet
lsting branches may not be needed in all cases


That is where I get I just do the main stem or branches that shoot of the main branch as well? Any other experienced input would be very helpful.



Well-Known Member
yeah, i'm pretty new to this too
but to start you just pull the top down, while everything is still flexible
only do the side branches if they get too tall for your grow space


Can't really give you any experienced info but I'm LSTing my first plant and as the new branches sprout off the main stem I have been trying to train those to. Mainly just trying it to see if it helps get the new branches more into the light. So far it seems to be working. Hope that helps some. Ha Ha.


Well-Known Member
You can pretty much tie them(main stem and side branches) any which way you would like depends on your space constraints or whatever your profile objective is.
I like to use loops of pantyhose because they are strong and elastic and allow the branches to grow and move without binding etc


Well-Known Member
hey man ill post some pics here in about an hour, but yea i got the main branch tied almost all the way horizontal, and have done some fimming as well. and yea, all the main branches are now growing from one side of the stem and pointing up. hopefully have eight or nine nice colas this way :)


Ok, all that info helped me visualize it A LOT better. Thanks for the info. Pics are still appreciated if you remember =P.


Well-Known Member
nice LST Wavels! have you cut that honey yet?
and what strain?
That plant was harvested a few years was a cross that I made of Nirvana NLxHaze and some freebies I got from a seed order...Who's ya Daddy.

I started four plants in that window was sort of an experiment because I only had one girl out of the four. I was not sure what to do about the males so I simply cut them off a little above the soil. I was not sure what the dead roots would do to my one girl so I decided to tie the plant over to a stump of a dead male with pantyhose.
As you can see the dead root systems of the male plants were no problem.
