LST Feedback Please!

The Grouch

These are two of my three babies that are undergoing LST. I have looked at other examples on here and they all seem more uniform and bushy than mine..

Its my first grow, (long time smoker, first time grower..) using modded PC Server cases and CFL's (I know I'm gonna catch flak for that!). And its bagseed from my stash tin. No idea of strain, but I rarely bought poor weed in past so I have my fingers crossed!

One of 'em, either Scylla or Charybdis is already a tad smelly, while the other smells like a tomato plant..

Any feedback on how I'm doing? Check out my grow journal if you're interested...



Active Member
id say there looking good for your first grow especially under 2 cfls. all my veging plants smell lite tomato plants lol. ive also just started lsting my plants and yes mind do look bushier but i am using a 300w cfl maybe thats why.

are you planning on fiming some of the side branches? are you going to change your lights for flowering or try to use the same lights?

looking good and good luck