Lst during budding???! Advise please!


I got 2 sour d plants growing under a 150 watt hps and i have done some lst and some topping but now im almost 7 weeks in and im wondering if it would be helpful to tie all tops at like 90 degrees so that I could move the light closer and also help get more light to the budsites. Should I do this or will it not make much of a difference?


collective gardener

Well-Known Member
You'll likely break stems. They get brittle in bloom. I try to avoid any such training in bloom. I will selectively remove fan leaves to allow light deep into plant.

Pat Man

Active Member
you can remove fan leaves to let light through but 90 degrees bends are probably too much at this point. you can look into "supercropping" which a lot of growers find helpful for evening out their canopy. it just involves tying down and breaking stems of that sort


Well-Known Member
I would just slowly try to bend the branches down. Tie a string to pot and keep pulling it tighter everyday. This is only if ur stems aren't too brittle already. I saw this video of this guy like making his stems into an upside down "U" shape to restrict height (during bloom) and it worked great. So it can be done just be very careful, especially with super cropping. Don't bend or squeeze to hard or ull accidently top it..