LST - can I make it work?


So I have been reading about low stress training your plant, and since i dont want to have my plants grow tall, i think this would work for me. My plants are quite stretched as they had poor lighting in the beginning so I need help on how to bend my stems. My plants are approximately 9-10 inches tall, consisting of 7-8 nodes. However, the first nodes on all plants dont start until about 6 inches up the stem. Therefore my plants have about 7 nodes within 4-5 inches of the top of the stem.
I want to bend my plant, but its hard to bend it between a node due to the closesness of the nodes. Should i bend the plant before any of the nodes? What do i do? ill post pictures asap---dead batteries...

please help..


Well-Known Member
since ur plants are that big id start like a or 2 node below the top wer the stem is still flexible. bend till bout 90 degrees and tie er down


Global Moderator
Staff member
Another alternative is to "Super crop" which is where you actually pinch the main stem (or branch) until it crunches and bend to a 90. It sound pretty brutal but a healthy plant will recover and send her head up towards the light again within a day & the healing will only take 4-6 to be complete.
I use both methods all the time & works like a charm.


Well-Known Member
Just put the plant in a bigger pot and put dirt right up to the first set of leaves, you'll lose that 6" of stem (which will turn into roots) and you'll be off with a smaller plant


thanks for all the help. I think I am going to go ahead with getting deeper pots and burying the plants so that they are only about 8 inches. From there, I will LST which will hopefully be much easier.