LST advice


I'm running a grow, and I'm thinking of training one of my plants.
I got three Lowlife auto blueberry in a 2x 8,5l autopot system. (can't pull pots a part)

The one I'm thinking of training are the smaller one. Shes actually a few days behind the outer two, but she seems to be following my busier pheno that sits in the outer pot.

I want to train her because shes blocking some sun fore the outer two plants. And get more colas from her. (and the outer two, if they get more light.

Shes about a week in to bloom, and about 40 days old.. The stem seems quite "bendable" so i think she can take it.

Some pics so you know what I'm talking about.
More info on the grow, look in my journal.
A overvew 20100810_003 - Copy.jpg
This is the one.20100810_001 - Copy.jpg A long side this edge 20100810_002 - Copy.jpg
Branching now. 20100810_005 - Copy.jpg
Branching of similar pheno ~3-4days ahead 20100810_004 - Copy.jpg

Now is this a good idea?
I've done this before in early flower due to your same problem and I've never experienced any negative side effects as long as its early.


Well-Known Member
yea, you will be able to feel the plant reach its bending limit. than tie down, when it grows up some more bend around the other direction. also you wont get more colas unless its been topped.


Active Member
Do it while the plant is dry and more flexible. Not right after a watering. I did my blackberry two weeks into flower. She got huge! She's been fine with the training and the other branches get a lot more light.


Active Member
when its watered is when its the most flexable,,,,not when its dry.
I disagree with you. Take a water hose that has no water in it and coil it up. Take that same water hose with a closed off sprayer on the end but turn on the water. Now coil it up. When plants go dry they droop for a reason.


Thnx for the input! :)

Well I'll give it a go!

But isn't the point of LST, the LS part, no topping?!
The top will compete with the branches after the last hook.
And it's the highest part of the plant will get the most juice fore growing, no mater ware on the stem that branch sits?!
Or have I gotten this wrong?