Lowryder #2


Well-Known Member
Anyone have any idea what the average yield for one harvested plant is? Also how does this plant do in SOG? Would it do alright in hydroponics?

If anyone has grown this strain, about how long does it take from seed to harvest?

Just tryin to get some clear facts! :bigjoint:


Active Member
The Yield ofcourse depends on how you grow it and such but my buddy who uses Bubbletronics just finished 5 fems of a hot strain called Easyryder, which is auto ak47 and lowryder#2, and the ak side is suppose to grant a higher yield and others things but he finished in 9 weeks like they said and got like 50ish a plant total. however he did not listen to the lighting recommendation for some reason which is 20/4 the entire grow. with the added light that should have been there you probably could get more from the plants. well thats my story lol hope it helped or shed some light.


Well-Known Member
My first lr2 grow finished in 10 weeks from seed to harvest...in soil ..........I vegged under floro/cfl and finished under hps.....I had a small yeil...perhaps 20grams per plantand Potency from this strain is high....beautiful buds, stinky, and easy to grow, very hardy.


Active Member
Sry Kush by 50ish I mean gram wise per plant, some were a little smaller some were bigger averaged out to that amount.


Well-Known Member
Anyone have any idea what the average yield for one harvested plant is? Also how does this plant do in SOG? Would it do alright in hydroponics?

If anyone has grown this strain, about how long does it take from seed to harvest?

Just tryin to get some clear facts! :bigjoint:
Well grown LR2 should yield 1-2oz per plant (Hydro + 150w HID for 1-2 plants). I get about 32-40g dried per plant of nice little nugz after all the stems I can get rid of are removed.

It's kinda bushy, so not ideally suited to SOG IMO.

It does GREAT in Hydro, but go light on the nutes and don't use nutes too early either.

The bud quality is honestly pretty good, but I'd estimate it's only half a potent as the most powerful strains you could grow (it's still better than almost anything I could buy around here though).

I've consistently heard LR2 x AK47 is better and higher yielding, but have not tried it yet.


Active Member
I am fairly new to medicinal growing.... So I built this little grow box from a tool cabinet at home depot it measures about 20 x 30 inches and is about 32 inches tall. It's almost exactly 4 sq ft. I put a 150w HPS and 100 watts of compact fluorescents (4 bulbs). I did a deep water hydro culture (net pots soaking in 7 gal Tupperware bin). I use the cheapest A/B/C hydro fertilizer at the local grow shop.

My first grow with the LR2 I got 2.5 oz of finely manicured bone dry medical grade smoke from one plant. It filled my cabinet completely. I put one plant about 2-3 inches away from my hps bulb (cooled bulb) and it branched out into 4 colas. I then veg'ed it for about 4 weeks from shoot (5 weeks frm seed). The trick to get the LR2 to veg and get big is grow in hydro and deprive it of the bloom nutrients. I just used the A and B nutrients to veg then added the C nutrient for the flowering. It flowered for about 4 weeks and wa la ...

My second grow I veg'ed for 2 weeks then added the C nutrients to 3 plants in the same box and got ... You ready for this... 2.5 ozs but from seed to harvest in just under 6 weeks. I think if I had the space and light I could veg for 4 weeks then flower for 4 weeks and get about 3 ozs with 100 watts per square foot and CO2.

You see ... I designed my box for a 2-3 oz grow. I planned on approx 60w per sq ft but would definitely get more with more light and co2.

The lowryder 2 is the foolproof way to go... If you veg long enough and have enough light you will get the yield you want.... Just faster ... Everything I did above was under 20 hrs of light from start to finish.

I'm thinking about writing an ebook and describing everything in detail with blue prints etc.

Hope this helps
The Lithium Penguin