Lowryder #2 My First Grow


Active Member
This is my first ever grow with Lowryder #2's. I did some research bought some books and settled on this as my strain of choice. It will stay short and squat as well as finish fast and according to the books and everyone I've talked to it is a pretty good smoke too. I've germinated the seeds in a clean dish cloth with distilled water (I've heard that the bleach in paper towels can sometimes damage the seeds or taproots) and placed them on top of my fridge where it is at least 65F all the time. Hopefully they will all germinate. Any helpful tips, comments or criticism is welcome.



Well-Known Member
if u get any males then collect the pollen and cross it with a white widow,then pollinate the lrww cross with original lr pollen to create an auto crazy ass strain. i wished i had a male lr wit my grow