Lowryder 2 dwc has black spots on the stems

i have three lowrydr 2 plants in dwc. they have been in flower for 2 weeks or so and one has these black spots only on the stems of the fan leaves not on the leaves or any of the buds. Been reading and think it might be some kind of mold but I have had the humidity at 35% or lower since they started flower.


That's what you cal mold and fungus man.. I'm assuming you are having high humidity issues and your ventilation/ air flow in your room isn't very good? Need to lower that humidity right away do not foliar spray anything until you can dry your room out and get more air circulating immediately.. Need get some green cure / physan 20 or eagle 20 (really strong stuff read label carefully) start w green cure the latter is for serious issues only!! Black powdery mildew/mold looks like and foliar spray that right away once every 4-5 days until goes away.. BOL
That's what you cal mold and fungus man.. I'm assuming you are having high humidity issues and your ventilation/ air flow in your room isn't very good? Need to lower that humidity right away do not foliar spray anything until you can dry your room out and get more air circulating immediately.. Need get some green cure / physan 20 or eagle 20 (really strong stuff read label carefully) start w green cure the latter is for serious issues only!! Black powdery mildew/mold looks like and foliar spray that right away once every 4-5 days until goes away.. BOL
thank you for posting I have gotten a few mixed reviews some say mold but on the contrary my humidity is held at 25-35% at all times by a dehumidifier and I have two box fans running in opposite directions creating circulation an a fan in the top of my tent pointed at the plants to create a little bit of leaf movement u read it helps make the stems strong. And I've had people tell me it's just thripp feces that are leftover from a thripp infestation so I'm hoping it's the thripp feces but please correct me if you strongly believe mold is actually the problem
Do you have any other spotting on the leaves or undersides of your plants?? Do you have thrips in your garden.. When making a post would be important to write if you have issues such as pests going on to trouble shoot.. I still believe looks like black mold.. Or mildew of some sort did u try and run your fingers along it does it seem slimy or mushy? I've seen it before on my buddies grow mildew/mold grew along stems and stalks around upper region of plants In top canopy because of no air flow.. Low humidity doesn't always mean you won't have fungus mold or mildew that meter is only reading your wall or wherever you have it sitting out the sensor in your canopy you will see a huge difference in the repeating trust me
Do you have any other spotting on the leaves or undersides of your plants?? Do you have thrips in your garden.. When making a post would be important to write if you have issues such as pests going on to trouble shoot.. I still believe looks like black mold.. Or mildew of some sort did u try and run your fingers along it does it seem slimy or mushy? I've seen it before on my buddies grow mildew/mold grew along stems and stalks around upper region of plants In top canopy because of no air flow.. Low humidity doesn't always mean you won't have fungus mold or mildew that meter is only reading your wall or wherever you have it sitting out the sensor in your canopy you will see a huge difference in the repeating trust me
I apologize you are right I should I have given more info I'm pretty new to the forum scene an growing but thank you. And I never saw any thripps but I posted pictures of some damage awhile ago and was assured it was thripps so I treated for them and it cleared up so large possibility that I did. But no I doesn't feel slimy or anything looks more like its inside the stem. So I imagine it's probably the thripp feces hypothesis but if you have further help please feel free and thank you for the helpful advice and in the future I will be far more descriptive when asking for help