Lower plant not enough light


Well-Known Member
My plant is 12" high, the top section is doing well while the bottom is loosing light causing it to go gloomy and droopy. How can i get more light to the lower area? Ive heard of cutting fan leaves but that sounds dubious to me and i'd probably kill it.
Im currently using and eco-light 6400k 125watt and soon changing to 2700k when i go from 18/6 to 12/12.
Would having something round the sides to reflect more light from my current light to the lower section be enough to sort out my problem? If i need to add more light, what kind and where should i put it?
Thanks for any help



Well-Known Member
you have great instincts. do not cut the leaves and do add something reflective on the sides - white paint or mylar but not aluminum foil.

it would really help if you got another fixture and ran both bulbs. you could put one on the side to help the lower branches.

how tall is your girl? tall plants do better under an hps because of superior penetration.


Well-Known Member
Thanks thats useful. Should i use 2 reds when i change or 1 red 1 white? And would i need another reflector for the side bulb or will the bulb hanging alone do the trick?
She's 12" tall and 47 days since i pushed the seed in the soil. Been qrowing alot quicker since i was told to lower my light to around 3" from the top of the plant, it was between 1-2ft before.


Well-Known Member
Should i use 2 reds when i change or 1 red 1 white?

And would i need another reflector for the side bulb or will the bulb hanging alone do the trick?
i would use one of each so that next time you can use the same two bulbs for the whole grow.

if you add the side reflective material you can get away without a reflector, but it is always better to have one.


Well-Known Member
Great. I just need to get that other bulb sorted. Im going to try and get more reflection in there in the mean time thanks alot


Well-Known Member
Thanks alot to everyones info here especailly desertrat. Since i first posted my plant is looking alot better. I fixed my reflection problem but still havent sorted the red light out yet, got a second fixture though just need to get an extention lead and bulb (possiably a reflector) then im going to go 12/12 with both a red and white spec. Trying to stay cost effective.
As for the foil ive also heard not to use it but ive also heard you can use it dull side out but i dont know about that. Im using chip board with white plastic laminate surfaces. The reflection is so much better im hoping to aviod buying a reflector for the second light