Lower Leaves Yellowing/Dying (HAVE PICS!)


Well-Known Member
So it seems the dying off of the 1st leaves (not cotyledons) was not just part of the life cycle. I checked on my plants today and the taller plant (same one as previously mentioned) 1st set of fan leaves have turned light green and look as if they will die soon. I did some reading before I posted and believe this is most likely a Nitrogen defieciency and am treating it as such. Any Objections!? Plant is about 28 days old.

I also just noticed that the youngin is showing similar systems. The short bushy plant seems to be unaffected.

Here are the pictures of the taller plant.



Well-Known Member
What's your temperature? How far is your light from the plant and what kind of light are you using? It could be a heat issue or it's not getting enough light... Alot of issues mimic deficiencies. Be careful in treating right away - you might not be treating it for the right issue... How often are you watering? Could be overwatering it or you aren't getting proper drainage... I'm just speaking from similar experiences I've had myself. What kind of soil are you using and what's the N-P-K rating? If your soil has a time release fertilizer in it, you fertilize each time you water so you may be feeding it too much. Myself, I'm using CFL's for total indoor grow so I have removed a few fan leaves on the bottom to allow more light to get to the undergrowth and have had great success doing this. So if you need to remove it you won't effect the plant too much. Just watch it to see if the problem spreads. If your new growth is green your good!

I really hope you find out exactly what it is and your girls turn around. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
I am working out of a closet with aprox. dimensions of 6x5x2 (HxWxD). I have no way to setup a legitimate exhaust system so I decided to go with a CFL grow.

For my Lighting I am currently using: All watts are actual wattage not equivalents

1 - 125w 6400k CFL
2 - 105w 6500k CFL
4 - 23w 6500k CFL

For my soil I am currently using Roots Organic by Aurora. It is an organic soil and ingredients include bat guano, premium earth worm castings, fish bone meal, feather meal, green sand, mycorrihzae, glacial rock dust, soybean meal, humic acid, and many more.

I just started using nutes. I currently use Earth Juice Grow 2-1-1, 1/2 tbsp (mild application, just upped to 1 tbsp today which is suggested reg dosage), Blackstrap Molasses (1 tbsp per gallon) and Super Thrive 1 ML per gallon.

Unfortunately grow room stays around 78-90. I live in desert and even with a/c and plenty of fans the 110+ ambient temp tends to win the battle.

Here is my Grow Journal from day 1. Has all info of grow https://www.rollitup.org/cfl-growing/78899-1st-grow-425w-cfl-actual.html
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humble learner

Well-Known Member
Well it couldn't be a heat issue if the leaves aren't twisting and turning yellow, its not a light situation....your soil looks high in nitrogen...how often do you water it?


Well-Known Member
I water it when moisture sensor gets to about 1/8th left on meter (pretty damn low) I dont think it is over water because I have been very cautious after the fungus gnats on earlier attempt. Dont think its under water, when meter hits the 1/8th level, I water until runs off some then wait hour and give it more. I got this technique out of the "Buds for Less" book by Seemorebuds. Very popular among cfl growers.

humble learner

Well-Known Member
Give it a day or two more and see if the yellowing spreads, but I wouldn't give it any nutes, just pure water...it could be getting too much N.


Well-Known Member
thats 1 of 2 things.
to much nutes or no light getting down to the bottom and atfer a while they die remember the plant wants the leafs an all the rest at the top so the NRG is going to the top .
Its simple u only use 30w spiral cfl lights they boost out 125w using 30w...also ur lights could be to close or they look like the feed is to high...if u dont have a truncheon and a ph meter theres no point in doin it unless u can judge it well enough!
ur ph should be between 5.7 and 6.0...
Cf level for cuttings is about 0.6cf
If the lower leaves are yellowing, that means there is deficiency of N . During flowering, yellow leaves appear due to this reason only. No need to worry just flush the soil, thus giving them ferts and see if it helps.


New Member
dont be too scared by that, just based on another thread of someone dealing with a more severe issue it could be a lack of calcium, depending on the type of water you are using there might not be enough calcium. you can use calmag but i would only if you see a more severe problem with that from the looks of it your plant seems almost perfectly healthy, usually also its just a sign of not enough light reaching those tiny leaves at the bottom, why the method lollipopping exist. even with a 400w MH light and larger plants the lower leaves will brown or yellow off by themselves.

i like to use the amazon all the time as a example of how plants work, they will always fight for light and the leaves that usually cant reach the top canopy usually end up dying no biggie.
to prevent your plants from wasting energy just trim them off, from the amount of leaves that plant has it will not hurt it at all if anything it will help it. your stem is getting fat, i know those 2 little sprout leaves that always pop up
at the start almost always drop off eventually once the stem starts to fatten thats what those look like, to me.

i wouldnt worry just trim them off see how it goes, if stated like before it could be a lack nitrogen or either calcium if you start to see this happen with the newer leaf growth but your top leaves seem to be fine, beautiful plant you have there.