lower leaves yellowing and dying


almoat all of my plants have lower leaves yellowing...they are 4 and a half weeks old...24/7 light...8 25 watt 50000k cfls...i water them daily with a 2 quart jug of water that stands for 24 hours after being filtered in a brita filter..every couple days i add half a teaspoon of miracle grow tomato food to the water before watering..i have no idea whats wrong...any help would be great.



Active Member
the filter takes away minerals your plant needs, stop using filter water and use tap or well water instead it looks like your plant is missing some thing my guess would be calmag:leaf: happy growing you need to get a p h test kit and sort that also


Active Member
Using RO or filtered water depletes the calcium and magnesium...Calmag added to water fixes that. Here is a chart I've found useful. And I think you are watering your plants too much...all the leaves are droopy...need to let the soil dry out between waterings.
View attachment 2180195


Just to be clear...there's 13 of them..I give them each about 6oz of water a day...sometimes skipping a day...I usually wait till the top of the soil is kind of dry...they are able to drain straight through and usually don't drain at watering...I will cut back to every other day and stop filtering my water and add in some ph decrease and see what happens..


Anyone else have any thoughts..I'm not to certain it us overwateeing..seems like a deficiency really..I have a blown blowing on them at a pretty good supped so I feel as though the moisture doesn't hang around long..I'm not sure what's happening


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't water them such a small amount so frequently, it is a weed used to a desert climate, part of watering to u wanna see some run off from the bottom of the plant when u water it, but you don't want it to stay wet every day.


So today was the first day I watered them since Tuesday...soaked them till they ran off...but almost all of my plants are drooping...a smaller once has basicially just fallen over...the soil was dry from top to as far as I could shove my finger in..they aren't really taking to this whole less water thing..I think I'm loosing my whole crop. :(2012-05-24_18-33-33_586.jpg2012-05-24_18-33-39_179.jpg



Well-Known Member
all that watering and food every day or every other day has locked out nutes. You plant cant feed because of the improper balance. Flush with twice the amount of water as the size of your pots and transplant into bigger pots. Dont feed anything for a week. Let the soil dry til the pots are "air" light then water til you have plenty of runoff. That will fix the problem. Growth will slow down a bit while they recover.


Well-Known Member
all that watering and food every day or every other day has locked out nutes. You plant cant feed because of the improper balance. Flush with twice the amount of water as the size of your pots and transplant into bigger pots. Dont feed anything for a week. Let the soil dry til the pots are "air" light then water til you have plenty of runoff. That will fix the problem. Growth will slow down a bit while they recover.
totally agree. + rep, jpockets.


Not even 3 hours later and the plant that was fallen over and the one that was drooping has stood back up and fluffed out after watering...


Also these guys are 3 to 5 days away from being 5 weeks old? I've seen alot of pictures out there of plants double this size around this age...any insight?


Active Member
I'm gonna go ahead and say you need to repot and start fert. My plants had the same exact issue, when they got to their 4-5 branch/node level, the bottom leaves were dying and the plant was drooping. they would recover temporarily between feedings, but droop within the day. As soon as i repotted them, they perked up, and grew out of control lol. so yeah, repot and i think you will be good. Don't be shy with your soil man. Big pots, lots of soil, healthy nice plants.


Well-Known Member
they shouldnt have needed water yet if you watered them on tuesday. Cannabis does not like to be watered frequently. It likes a good watering then a good drying out period. This allows the roots to go in search of water...growing, making the plant bigger and healthier. Keep watering it as much as you are, no matter if they are perky now or what they will die. You are suffocating your root system. You think its a deficiency because the leaves are yellowing. You might think this but what is actually happening is you are LOCKING out nutes. Of course its going to look like a deficiency because your plant is watered so much and fed to much to the point that it cannot take in nutes, your ph will be all wacky and it will die, or produce very little and low quality. Good luck, experiment away, might as well put them under a waterfall lol.


Well-Known Member
Also these guys are 3 to 5 days away from being 5 weeks old? I've seen alot of pictures out there of plants double this size around this age...any insight?
Their growth is stunted because of poor conditions. If you had optimal conditions they would be much larger and healthier.