lower leaves starting to turn yellow and go crispy


our plant over the last week (week 7, week 3 flowering) has started to get yellow leaves near the bottom that are quite dry too. i looked here and various other sources to find the problem which a lot of people said was a magnesium defficiency but then read that other problems can cause this situation so i thought id post pictures and see what people thought. since week 5 we've been using nutrients specially for flowering stage which are the following: every 3 days using nutrients that consist of 1.5 : 1.4 : 3.1, and every 5 days using nutrients that consist of 0 : 8.5 : 6.2. i hope this is enough information to help find the cause.



Well-Known Member
what ph are you running? r/o water or tap? could be a lockout or ph problem or over /under nutes ...... need a little more info sorry


ph has been around 6-7 (perhaps too high?) been using tap water but leaving it for couple of days before using it (read somewhere that should be fine)


Well-Known Member
id go for a ph no highter then 6.5 .. causes lockout of needed nutes ... i'm not sure about what nutes your using but they do look hungry not burnt ... kinda like its taking the nutes its not getting from itself ...


Well-Known Member
get some pH down from the local hydro shop , or the old way is to use white vinegar or concentrated lemon juice ... you do have a ph meter dont you ?


got a ph meter ye just never bought any ph up or ph down from shop, thanks for help, hopefully see some improvements in the next week