lower brach removal


Active Member
I am new to growing and I have chosen to grow hydoponically. My question is when you place the clone into flowering when should you remove the lower branches? The reason I ask is I have heard that you are suppose to leave the main cola along with 7-10 side braches.....any help would be greatly appreciated.


New Member
Pruning is done to aid light penetration. If your light doesn't penetrate into the lower branches, then lop them off so the energy can be directed to the remaining branches.

Well, that's one theory. Another theory is to just let the plants bush out and use the "popcorn" buds on the bottom branches for cooking, making butter or hash.

I've done it both ways ... and my best yields have always been from the pruned plants.



Active Member
during flowering its best to only cut fan leaves if they are more that 50 % damaged. As for pruning, that is best done in veg. While your in flower, you will just stress those girls out. My best advice is if you don't want popcorn buds (which is something all us growers go thru) stick a florescent (a small ballast) down under her. The florescent will hardly give off any heat, but will supplement lower branch growth. But don't go choppin away at your lovely girl now, it will only stress her out and your buds will pay. Pruning is done in vegatative growth.